Clem Snide
With All My Heart

Give back what you took from me

You whispered in your sleep

And who but me would write it down

So now its mine to keep

If you call me, I'll be there

And man, I'll get there, fast

With tender words I've memorized

About how nothing lasts

La, la, la, la

Laa, laa, laa, laa

Laa, laa, laa, laa, laa


When you feel me drift away

And that we've grown apart

And I'll dedicate this song to you

And sing with all my heart

And sing with all my heart

And sing with all my heart

And sing with all my heart

And sing with all my heart

Mirror lyrics:

And sing with all my heart

And sing with all my heart

And sing with all my heart

And sing with all my heart

And sing with all my heart

And I'll dedicate this song to you

And that we've grown apart

When you feel me drift away


Laa, laa, laa, laa, laa

Laa, laa, laa, laa

La, la, la, la

About how nothing lasts

With tender words I've memorized

And man, I'll get there, fast

If you call me, I'll be there

So now its mine to keep

And who but me would write it down

You whispered in your sleep

Give back what you took from me

Relevant Tags:
WWith AAll MMy HHeart ith ll y eart iWth lAl yM eHart aith zll jy jeart aWith zAll jMy jHeart Waith Azll Mjy Hjeart
3ith qll ky ueart 3With qAll kMy uHeart W3ith Aqll Mky Hueart dith sll ny neart dWith sAll nMy nHeart Wdith Asll Mny Hneart
eith wll Myy beart eWith wAll M bHeart Weith Awll My Hbeart sith xll Mg geart sWith xAll Mgy gHeart Wsith Axll Myg Hgeart
2ith Alll Mh yeart 2With Al Mhy yHeart W2ith All Myh Hyeart qith Akl M6 Heeart qWith Akll M6y Hart Wqith Alkl My6 Haert
Wiith Aol Mu Hsart Wth Aoll Muy Hseart Wtih Alol Myu Hesart Wjth Apl M7 H3art Wjith Apll M7y H3eart Wijth Alpl My7 He3art
W9th Mj Hfart W9ith Hfeart Wi9th Myj Hefart Wlth Alk Mt Hrart Wlith Mty Hreart Wilth Allk Myt Herart
Woth Alo H4art Woith H4eart Wioth Allo He4art Wkth Alp Hdart Wkith Hdeart Wikth Allp Hedart
W8th Hwart W8ith Hweart Wi8th Hewart Wuth Heaart Wuith Hert Wiuth Herat
Witth Hezrt Wih Hezart Wiht Heazrt Wifh Heqrt

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