Clem Snide
The Junky Jews

It was so very long ago

In California desert snow

On film was caught a burning bush

Up many hills a stone was pushed

The junky Jews, so much to lose

The junky Jews sing the blues

Corey Feldman took the stand

A sequel to the ten commands

Red Sea parted in his veins

Beholding he who has no name

The junky Jews, so much to lose

The junky Jews sing the blues

The junky Jews, so much to lose

The junky Jews sing the blues

And the world was shining like a jewel

But on the surface very cruel

So Jesus picked up his guitar

And sang about a shooting star

Sang about a shooting star

Mirror lyrics:

Sang about a shooting star

And sang about a shooting star

So Jesus picked up his guitar

But on the surface very cruel

And the world was shining like a jewel

The junky Jews sing the blues

The junky Jews, so much to lose

The junky Jews sing the blues

The junky Jews, so much to lose

Beholding he who has no name

Red Sea parted in his veins

A sequel to the ten commands

Corey Feldman took the stand

The junky Jews sing the blues

The junky Jews, so much to lose

Up many hills a stone was pushed

On film was caught a burning bush

In California desert snow

It was so very long ago

Relevant Tags:
TThe JJunky JJews he unky ews hTe uJnky eJws fhe kunky kews fThe kJunky kJews Tfhe Jkunky Jkews 5he iunky iews 5The iJunky iJews
T5he Jiunky Jiews hhe munky mews hThe mJunky mJews Thhe Jmunky Jmews yhe nunky news yThe nJunky nJews Tyhe Jnunky Jnews 6he hunky hews
6The hJunky hJews T6he Jhunky Jhews ghe uunky uews gThe uJunky uJews Tghe Juunky Juews rhe Jeews rThe Jnky Jws Trhe Jnuky Jwes
Jhnky Jsws Te Jsews Teh Juhnky Jesws Tje J7nky J3ws Tjhe J7unky J3ews Thje Ju7nky Je3ws Tue Jknky Jfws Tuhe Jfews
Thue Juknky Jefws Tne Jinky Jrws Tnhe Jrews Thne Juinky Jerws Tbe J8nky J4ws Tbhe J8unky J4ews Thbe Ju8nky Je4ws Tge Jjnky Jdws
Jjunky Jdews Thge Jujnky Jedws Tye Jynky Jwws Jyunky Jwews Thye Juynky Jewws Thee Junnky Th Juky Jes

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