Clay Walker
You're Beginning To Get To Me

I can't sleep at all
I'm making late night calls
Just to talk to you and hear your voice again
That flower shop on Main
Knows me by my first name
And how I want the card to read
And where I want the roses sent

I'm not saying I'm in love
I'd admit it if I was
I'm just saying I believe
You're beginning to get to me
The way I need you all the time
The way you hold this heart of mine
I think it's time that I concede
You're beginning to get to me

I've got your picture up
On the dash of my new truck
So I can have you with me every road I'm on
Baby, if what I feel
Is just a tip of what I will
I can only guess What I'll be like
When I'm completely gone

(Chorus x2)

Mirror lyrics:

(Chorus x2)

When I'm completely gone
I can only guess What I'll be like
Is just a tip of what I will
Baby, if what I feel
So I can have you with me every road I'm on
On the dash of my new truck
I've got your picture up

You're beginning to get to me
I think it's time that I concede
The way you hold this heart of mine
The way I need you all the time
You're beginning to get to me
I'm just saying I believe
I'd admit it if I was
I'm not saying I'm in love

And where I want the roses sent
And how I want the card to read
Knows me by my first name
That flower shop on Main
Just to talk to you and hear your voice again
I'm making late night calls
I can't sleep at all

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YYou're BBeginning TTo GGet TTo MMe ou're eginning o et o e oYu're eBginning oT eGt oT eM gou're veginning fo het fo je gYou're vBeginning fTo hGet fTo jMe
Ygou're Bveginning Tfo Ghet Tfo Mje hou're geginning 5o yet 5o ke hYou're gBeginning 5To yGet 5To kMe Yhou're Bgeginning T5o Gyet T5o Mke 6ou're neginning ho bet ho ne
6You're nBeginning hTo bGet hTo nMe Y6ou're Bneginning Tho Gbet Tho Mne uou're heginning yo vet yo Mee uYou're hBeginning yTo vGet yTo M Yuou're Bheginning Tyo Gvet Tyo Me
7ou're Beeginning 6o fet 6o Ms 7You're Bginning 6To fGet 6To Mse Y7ou're Bgeinning T6o Gfet T6o Mes jou're Bsginning go tet go M3 jYou're Bseginning gTo tGet gTo M3e
Yjou're Besginning Tgo Gtet Tgo Me3 tou're B3ginning ro Geet ro Mf tYou're B3eginning rTo Gt rTo Mfe Ytou're Be3ginning Tro Gte Tro Mef Yoou're Bfginning Too Gst Too Mr
Yu're Bfeginning T Gset T Mre Yuo're Befginning To Gest To Mer Yku're Brginning Tk G3t Tk M4 Ykou're Breginning Tko G3et Tko M4e Yoku're Berginning Tok Ge3t Tok Me4
Y9u're B4ginning T9 Gft T9 Md Y9ou're B4eginning T9o T9o Mde Yo9u're Be4ginning To9 Geft To9 Med Y0u're Bdginning T0 Grt T0 Mw Y0ou're Bdeginning T0o Gret T0o Mwe
Yo0u're Bedginning To0 Gert To0 Mew Ylu're Bwginning Tl G4t Tl Ylou're Bweginning Tlo G4et Tlo Yolu're Bewginning Tol Ge4t Tol Yiu're Begginning Ti Gdt Ti
Yiou're Beinning Tio Gdet Tio Yoiu're Beignning Toi Gedt Toi Youu're Behinning Gwt Yo're Behginning Gwet Yo'ure Beghinning Gewt
Yoh're Beyinning Gett Yohu're Beyginning Ge Youh're Begyinning Get Yo7're Bebinning Gef Yo7u're Bebginning
You7're Begbinning Getf Yok're Bevinning Ge5 Bevginning Ge5t Youk're Begvinning Get5 Yoi're Befinning Geh
Geht Youi're Begfinning Geth Yo8're Betinning Gey Yo8u're Betginning Geyt You8're Begtinning Gety
Yoj're Begiinning Ge6 Yoju're Begnning Ge6t Youj're Begnining Get6 Yoy're Begjnning Geg Yoyu're Begjinning Gegt
Youy're Begijnning Getg You''re Beg9nning Ger Youre Beg9inning Your'e Begi9nning Getr You'rre Beglnning
You'e Beglinning You'er Begilnning You'de Begonning You'dre Begoinning You'rde Begionning
You'4e Begknning You'4re Begkinning You'r4e Begiknning You'ge Beg8nning You'gre Beg8inning
You'rge Begi8nning

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