Clay Walker
Let Me Take That Heartache (off Your Hands)

Once again he´s left you here crying
And it hurts me to see him hurt you this way
And once again here I am trying
To make the tears disappear from your face
For your sake

Let me take that heartache off your hands
You´ve stood more than one heart should stand
Don´t give up on love ´til you give me a chance
Let me take that heartache off your hands

These shoulders were made for you to cry on
If you need them they´re yours any time
These arms are yours to try on
I´ll make sure they fit you just right
They´ll hold you tight

Let me take that heartache off your hands
You´ve stood more than one heart should stand
Don´t give up on love ´til you give me a chance
Let me take that heartache off your hands

Mirror lyrics:

Let me take that heartache off your hands
Don´t give up on love ´til you give me a chance
You´ve stood more than one heart should stand
Let me take that heartache off your hands

They´ll hold you tight
I´ll make sure they fit you just right
These arms are yours to try on
If you need them they´re yours any time
These shoulders were made for you to cry on

Let me take that heartache off your hands
Don´t give up on love ´til you give me a chance
You´ve stood more than one heart should stand
Let me take that heartache off your hands

For your sake
To make the tears disappear from your face
And once again here I am trying
And it hurts me to see him hurt you this way
Once again he´s left you here crying

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LLet MMe TTake TThat HHeartache ((off YYour HHands) et e ake hat eartache off our ands) eLt eM aTke hTat eHartache o(ff oYur aHnds)
ket je fake fhat jeartache (ooff gour jands) kLet jMe fTake fThat jHeartache (ff gYour jHands) Lket Mje Tfake Tfhat Hjeartache (fof Ygour Hjands)
oet ke 5ake 5hat ueartache (kff hour uands) oLet kMe 5Take 5That uHeartache (koff hYour uHands) Loet Mke T5ake T5hat Hueartache (okff Yhour Huands)
pet ne hake hhat neartache (9ff 6our nands) pLet nMe hTake hThat nHeartache (9off 6Your nHands) Lpet Mne Thake Thhat Hneartache (o9ff Y6our Hnands)
Leet Mee yake yhat beartache (0ff uour bands) Lt M yTake yThat bHeartache (0off uYour bHands) Lte Me Tyake Tyhat Hbeartache (o0ff Yuour Hbands)
Lst Ms 6ake 6hat geartache (lff 7our gands) Lset Mse 6Take 6That gHeartache (loff 7Your gHands) Lest Mes T6ake T6hat Hgeartache (olff Y7our Hgands)
L3t M3 gake ghat yeartache (iff jour yands) L3et M3e gTake gThat yHeartache (ioff jYour yHands) Le3t Me3 Tgake Tghat Hyeartache (oiff Yjour Hyands)
Lft Mf rake rhat Heeartache (offf tour Haands) Lfet Mfe rTake rThat Hartache (of tYour Hnds) Left Mef Trake Trhat Haertache (off Ytour Hnads)
Lrt Mr Taake Hsartache (ocf Yoour Hznds) Lret Mre Tke Tat Hseartache (ocff Yur Hzands) Lert Mer Tkae Taht Hesartache (ofcf Yuor Haznds)
L4t M4 Tzke Tjat H3artache (orf Ykur Hqnds) L4et M4e Tzake Tjhat H3eartache (orff Ykour Hqands) Le4t Me4 Tazke Thjat He3artache (ofrf Yokur Haqnds)
Ldt Md Tqke Tuat Hfartache (ogf Y9ur Hsnds) Ldet Mde Tqake Tuhat Hfeartache (ogff Y9our Hsands) Ledt Med Taqke Thuat Hefartache (ofgf Yo9ur Hasnds)
Lwt Mw Tske Tnat Hrartache (otf Y0ur Hwnds) Lwet Mwe Tsake Tnhat Hreartache (otff Y0our Hwands) Lewt Mew Taske Thnat Herartache (oftf Yo0ur Hawnds)
Lett Twke Tbat H4artache (ovf Ylur Hxnds) Le Twake Tbhat H4eartache (ovff Ylour Hxands) Let Tawke Thbat He4artache (ofvf Yolur Haxnds)
Lef Txke Tgat Hdartache (odf Yiur Hannds) Txake Hdeartache (odff Yiour Hads) Letf Taxke Thgat Hedartache (ofdf Yoiur Hadns)
Le5 Takke Tyat Hwartache Youur Hamds) Le5t Tae Hweartache Yor Hamnds) Let5 Taek Thyat Hewartache Yoru Hanmds)
Leh Tale Thaat Heaartache (ofc Yohr Hahds) Leht Talke Tht Hertache Yohur Hahnds) Leth Takle Thta Heratache (offc Youhr Hanhds)
Ley Taoe Thzt Hezrtache (ofr Yo7r Hajds) Leyt Taoke Thzat Hezartache Yo7ur Hajnds) Lety Takoe Thazt Heazrtache (offr You7r Hanjds)
Le6 Tame Thqt Heqrtache (ofg Yokr Habds) Le6t Tamke Thqat Heqartache Habnds) Let6 Takme Thaqt Heaqrtache (offg Youkr Hanbds)
Leg Taje Thst Hesrtache (oft Yoir Handds) Legt Tajke Thsat Hans) Letg Takje Thast Heasrtache (offt Youir Hansd)
Ler Taie Thwt Hewrtache (ofv Yo8r Hanxs) Taike Thwat Yo8ur Hanxds) Letr Takie Thawt Heawrtache (offv You8r Handxs)
Takee Thxt Hexrtache (ofd Yojr Hanes) Tak Thxat Hexartache Yojur Haneds) Take Thaxt Heaxrtache (offd Youjr Handes)
Taks Thatt Hearrtache Yoyr Hanfs) Takse Tha Heatache Yoyur Hanfds) Takes That Heatrache Youyr Handfs)
Tak3 Thaf Headtache Yourr Hanrs) Tak3e Thaft Headrtache You Hanrds) Take3 Thatf Heardtache Your Handrs)
Takf Tha5 Hea4tache Youd Hancs) Takfe Tha5t Hea4rtache Youdr Hancds) Takef That5 Hear4tache Yourd Handcs)
Takr Thah Heagtache You4 Hanss) Takre Thaht Heagrtache You4r Hansds) Taker Thath Heargtache Your4 Handss)
Tak4 Thay Heattache Youg Tak4e Thayt Heatrtache Yougr Hand) Take4 Thaty Hearttache Yourg Hand)s
Takd Tha6 Hea5tache Yout Handz) Takde Tha6t Hea5rtache Youtr Handzs) Taked That6 Hear5tache Yourt Handsz)
Takw Thag Heaftache You5 Handw) Takwe Thagt Heafrtache You5r Handws) Takew Thatg Hearftache Your5 Handsw)
Thar Heaetache Youf Handd) Thart Heaertache Youfr Thatr Hearetache Yourf Handsd)
Youe Hande) Hearache Youer Hearatche Youre Handse)

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