Clay Walker
Could I Ask You Not To Dance

Now I really should have known
That you'd show up sooner or later
Knowin' every Friday night
They always have your favorite band
Though someone new is with you at our table
Would it be too much for me to ask
To ask you not to dance

Not tonight, not until
My hearts had some time to heal
Not right now 'til I'm gone
I won't be here all that long
And when I leave, you can stay
And just dance the night away
But 'til then, do you think that there's a chance
I could ask you not to dance

I saw you slip the leader of the band
A piece of paper
I knew what song they'd play
Before he took it from your hand
I was wonderin' if you'd do me one last favor
And if the answer's no I'll understand
Could I ask you not to dance

Chorus x2

Mirror lyrics:

Chorus x2

Could I ask you not to dance
And if the answer's no I'll understand
I was wonderin' if you'd do me one last favor
Before he took it from your hand
I knew what song they'd play
A piece of paper
I saw you slip the leader of the band

I could ask you not to dance
But 'til then, do you think that there's a chance
And just dance the night away
And when I leave, you can stay
I won't be here all that long
Not right now 'til I'm gone
My hearts had some time to heal
Not tonight, not until

To ask you not to dance
Would it be too much for me to ask
Though someone new is with you at our table
They always have your favorite band
Knowin' every Friday night
That you'd show up sooner or later
Now I really should have known

Relevant Tags:
CCould II AAsk YYou NNot TTo DDance ould sk ou ot o ance oCuld I sAk oYu oNt oT aDnce fould j zsk gou mot fo xance fCould jI zAsk gYou mNot fTo xDance
Cfould Ij Azsk Ygou Nmot Tfo Dxance xould 9 qsk hou hot 5o eance xCould 9I qAsk hYou hNot 5To eDance Cxould I9 Aqsk Yhou Nhot T5o Deance vould l ssk 6ou jot ho fance
vCould lI sAsk 6You jNot hTo fDance Cvould Il Assk Y6ou Njot Tho Dfance dould o wsk uou bot yo rance dCould oI wAsk uYou bNot yTo rDance Cdould Io Awsk Yuou Nbot Tyo Drance
Coould k xsk 7ou Noot 6o cance Culd kI xAsk 7You Nt 6To cDance Cuold Ik Axsk Y7ou Nto T6o Dcance Ckuld 8 jou Nkt go sance Ckould 8I Ak jYou Nkot gTo sDance
Cokuld I8 Aks Yjou Nokt Tgo Dsance C9uld u Azk tou N9t ro Daance C9ould uI tYou N9ot rTo Dnce Co9uld Iu Aszk Ytou No9t Tro Dnace C0uld Awk Yoou N0t Too Dznce
C0ould Yu N0ot T Dzance Co0uld Aswk Yuo No0t To Daznce Cluld Adk Yku Nlt Tk Dqnce Clould Adsk Ykou Nlot Tko Dqance Coluld Asdk Yoku Nolt Tok Daqnce
Ciuld Aek Y9u Nit T9 Dsnce Ciould Aesk Y9ou Niot T9o Coiuld Asek Yo9u Noit To9 Dasnce Couuld Axk Y0u Nott T0 Dwnce Cold Y0ou No T0o Dwance
Colud Asxk Yo0u Not To0 Dawnce Cohld Aak Ylu Nof Tl Dxnce Cohuld Aask Ylou Noft Tlo Couhld Asak Yolu Notf Tol Daxnce Co7ld Askk Yiu No5 Ti Dannce
Co7uld As Yiou No5t Tio Dace Cou7ld Ask Yoiu Not5 Toi Dacne Cokld Asl Youu Noh Damce Aslk Yo Noht Damnce Coukld Askl You Noth Danmce

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