Clay Crosse
My Place Is With You

I've walked along a hundred highways,
Some I wish I could forget.
And I've burned a lot of bridges,
But there's not one that I regret.
Cause every path I've taken,
They all have led me to knowing my place,
My place is with You.

I've had my promises forsaken
Into many empty words.
And I'm amazed and so astounded
That I won't get what I deserve.
Whatever lies I've lived for,
I have finally found the truth.
I know my place, my place is with You.

You are my treasure forever,
The one dream I've searched for.

I've not been given my tomorrow,
I'm only certain of today.
If I don't see another sunrise,
I will not have to be afraid.
I know we will be together,
when all my days are through.
I know my place, my place is with You

Mirror lyrics:

I know my place, my place is with You
when all my days are through.
I know we will be together,
I will not have to be afraid.
If I don't see another sunrise,
I'm only certain of today.
I've not been given my tomorrow,

The one dream I've searched for.
You are my treasure forever,

I know my place, my place is with You.
I have finally found the truth.
Whatever lies I've lived for,
That I won't get what I deserve.
And I'm amazed and so astounded
Into many empty words.
I've had my promises forsaken

My place is with You.
They all have led me to knowing my place,
Cause every path I've taken,
But there's not one that I regret.
And I've burned a lot of bridges,
Some I wish I could forget.
I've walked along a hundred highways,

Relevant Tags:
MMy PPlace IIs WWith YYou y lace s ith ou yM lPace sI iWth oYu jy 0lace js aith gou jMy 0Place jIs aWith gYou Mjy P0lace Ijs Waith Ygou
ky llace 9s 3ith hou kMy lPlace 9Is 3With hYou Mky Pllace I9s W3ith Yhou ny olace ls dith 6ou nMy oPlace lIs dWith 6You Mny Polace Ils Wdith Y6ou
Myy os eith uou M Pace oIs eWith uYou My Palce Ios Weith Yuou Mg Pkace ks sith 7ou Mgy Pklace kIs sWith 7You Myg Plkace Iks Wsith Y7ou
Mh Poace 8s 2ith jou Mhy 8Is 2With jYou Myh Ploace I8s W2ith Yjou M6 Ppace us qith tou M6y Pplace uIs qWith tYou My6 Plpace Ius Wqith Ytou
Mu Plaace Iss Wiith Yoou Muy Plce I Wth Yu Myu Plcae Is Wtih Yuo M7 Plzce Iz Wjth Yku M7y Plzace Izs Wjith Ykou My7 Plazce Isz Wijth Yoku
Mj Plqce Iw W9th Y9u Plqace Iws W9ith Y9ou Myj Plaqce Isw Wi9th Yo9u Mt Plsce Id Wlth Y0u Mty Plsace Ids Wlith Y0ou Myt Plasce Isd Wilth Yo0u
Plwce Ie Woth Ylu Plwace Ies Woith Ylou Plawce Ise Wioth Yolu Plxce Ix Wkth Yiu Plxace Ixs Wkith Yiou Plaxce Isx Wikth Yoiu
Placce Ia W8th Youu Plae Ias W8ith Yo Plaec Isa Wi8th You

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