Dizz Knee Land

I just ran away from home
Now I'm going to dizz knee land
I just crashed my car again
Now I'm going to dizz knee land
I just robbed a grocery store
I'm going to dizz knee land
I just flipped off President George
I'm going to dizz knee land (2)
I just tossed a fifth of gin
Now I'm going to dizz knee land
I just got cuffed again
I'm going to dizz knee land yeah
Shot my gun into the night
I'm going to dizz knee land
I just saw a good man die
I'm going to dizz knee land
Come on...I'm going to dizz knee land
Kicked my ass out of school
Rolled me out into the streets
Hitched a ride on a monkey's back
Headed west into the black
I'm going to dizz knee land

Mirror lyrics:

I'm going to dizz knee land
Headed west into the black
Hitched a ride on a monkey's back
Rolled me out into the streets
Kicked my ass out of school
Come on...I'm going to dizz knee land
I'm going to dizz knee land
I just saw a good man die
I'm going to dizz knee land
Shot my gun into the night
I'm going to dizz knee land yeah
I just got cuffed again
Now I'm going to dizz knee land
I just tossed a fifth of gin
I'm going to dizz knee land (2)
I just flipped off President George
I'm going to dizz knee land
I just robbed a grocery store
Now I'm going to dizz knee land
I just crashed my car again
Now I'm going to dizz knee land
I just ran away from home

Relevant Tags:
DDizz KKnee LLand izz nee and iDzz nKee aLnd xizz lnee kand xDizz lKnee kLand Dxizz Klnee Lkand eizz onee oand eDizz oKnee oLand
Deizz Konee Loand fizz mnee pand fDizz mKnee pLand Dfizz Kmnee Lpand rizz jnee Laand rDizz jKnee Lnd Drizz Kjnee Lnad cizz inee Lznd
cDizz iKnee Lzand Dcizz Kinee Laznd sizz Knnee Lqnd sDizz Kee Lqand Dsizz Kene Laqnd Diizz Kmee Lsnd Dzz Lsand Dziz Knmee Lasnd
Djzz Khee Lwnd Djizz Khnee Lwand Dijzz Knhee Lawnd D9zz Kjee Lxnd D9izz Lxand Di9zz Knjee Laxnd Dlzz Kbee Lannd Dlizz Kbnee Lad
Dilzz Knbee Ladn Dozz Kneee Lamd Doizz Kne Lamnd

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