Endgame #1 (chess In Concert Cd 2009)

Chorus: (Names of past world champions)
Tal (x2), Lasker, Steinitz (x2),
Alekhine, Botvinnik, Smyslov, Spassky, Euwe,
Karpov, Fischer, Petrosian, Anderssen, Capablanca (x2),
Kasparov, Morphy, Capablanca...

Arbiter: [Spoken]
Gentlemen, the score is five games each.
You both need just one more win to be world champion.

Frederick: [Spoken]
All eyes in the world of chess and indeed many eyes outside
are turned towards Bangkok, Thailand today,
where what many here expect to be
the final game of the match in this gripping encounter,
has just been launched with the ceremonial splendor.
And all the talk is of the recent sensational loss of form
of world champion Sergievsky,
who seems certain to surrender his title here today
to the mightily impressive Viigand.

Mirror lyrics:

to the mightily impressive Viigand.
who seems certain to surrender his title here today
of world champion Sergievsky,
And all the talk is of the recent sensational loss of form
has just been launched with the ceremonial splendor.
the final game of the match in this gripping encounter,
where what many here expect to be
are turned towards Bangkok, Thailand today,
All eyes in the world of chess and indeed many eyes outside
Frederick: [Spoken]

You both need just one more win to be world champion.
Gentlemen, the score is five games each.
Arbiter: [Spoken]

Kasparov, Morphy, Capablanca...
Karpov, Fischer, Petrosian, Anderssen, Capablanca (x2),
Alekhine, Botvinnik, Smyslov, Spassky, Euwe,
Tal (x2), Lasker, Steinitz (x2),
Chorus: (Names of past world champions)

Relevant Tags:
EEndgame ##1 ((chess IIn CConcert CCd 22009) ndgame 1 chess n oncert d 009) nEdgame 1# c(hess nI oCncert dC 0209)
sndgame #11 (cchess jn foncert fd 3009) sEndgame # (hess jIn fConcert fCd 32009) Esndgame #1 (hcess Ijn Cfoncert Cfd 23009)
3ndgame #2 (fhess 9n xoncert xd q009) 3Endgame #21 (fchess 9In xConcert xCd q2009) E3ndgame #12 (cfhess I9n Cxoncert Cxd 2q009)
fndgame #q (xhess ln voncert vd w009) fEndgame #q1 (xchess lIn vConcert vCd w2009) Efndgame #1q (cxhess Iln Cvoncert Cvd 2w009)
rndgame (vhess on doncert dd 1009) rEndgame (vchess oIn dConcert dCd 12009) Erndgame (cvhess Ion Cdoncert Cdd 21009)
4ndgame (dhess kn Cooncert 20009) 4Endgame (dchess kIn Cncert C 209) E4ndgame (cdhess Ikn Cnocert Cd 2009)
dndgame (chhess 8n Ckncert Cx 2p09) dEndgame (cess 8In Ckoncert 2p009) Edndgame (cehss I8n Cokncert Cdx 20p09)
wndgame (cjess un C9ncert Ce 2909) wEndgame (cjhess uIn C9oncert Ced 29009) Ewndgame (chjess Iun Co9ncert Cde 20909)
Enndgame (cuess Inn C0ncert Cf 2o09) Edgame (cuhess I C0oncert 2o009) Edngame (chuess In Co0ncert Cdf 20o09)
Emdgame (cness Im Clncert Cr Emndgame (cnhess Imn Cloncert Crd Enmdgame (chness Inm Colncert Cdr 2090)
Ehdgame (cbess Ih Cincert Cc 20p9) Ehndgame (cbhess Ihn Cioncert Ccd Enhdgame (chbess Inh Coincert Cdc 200p9)
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