Cherry Poppin' Daddies
Flower Fight With Morrissey

Hurt your pride staggered into bed
And fell asleep by your side
Gone all night numbing my brutality
You sleep with your back to mine
Vanity fair, vanity fair
It's all a game for us. A come on
To remain unaware
Open your eyes hook up your hair
Paint on a face for all the good times
Like a sign that you care
Everybody's got so many things to say
I can make a face and take off
Hate me I don't care
Time your strike, strike your prime
Forget it the piñata is too high
Right your right, people are revolting
The resiliency of the doomed is nice
Vanity fair, vanity fair

It's all a game for us. A come on
To remain unaware
Open your eyes hook up your hair
Paint on a face for all the good times
Like a sign that you care
Everybody's got so many things to say
I can make a face and take off
Hate me I don't care
Open your eyes hook up your hair
Paint on a face for all the good times
Like a sign that you care
I had to face your make-up face
I had to face your make-up face
I had to face your make-up face
Your make-up face

Mirror lyrics:

Your make-up face
I had to face your make-up face
I had to face your make-up face
I had to face your make-up face
Like a sign that you care
Paint on a face for all the good times
Open your eyes hook up your hair
Hate me I don't care
I can make a face and take off
Everybody's got so many things to say
Like a sign that you care
Paint on a face for all the good times
Open your eyes hook up your hair
To remain unaware
It's all a game for us. A come on

Vanity fair, vanity fair
The resiliency of the doomed is nice
Right your right, people are revolting
Forget it the piñata is too high
Time your strike, strike your prime
Hate me I don't care
I can make a face and take off
Everybody's got so many things to say
Like a sign that you care
Paint on a face for all the good times
Open your eyes hook up your hair
To remain unaware
It's all a game for us. A come on
Vanity fair, vanity fair
You sleep with your back to mine
Gone all night numbing my brutality
And fell asleep by your side
Hurt your pride staggered into bed

Relevant Tags:
FFlower FFight WWith MMorrissey lower ight ith orrissey lFower iFght iWth oMrrissey clower cight aith jorrissey cFlower cFight aWith jMorrissey
Fclower Fcight Waith Mjorrissey rlower right 3ith korrissey rFlower rFight 3With kMorrissey Frlower Fright W3ith Mkorrissey glower gight dith norrissey
gFlower gFight dWith nMorrissey Fglower Fgight Wdith Mnorrissey tlower tight eith Moorrissey tFlower tFight eWith Mrrissey Ftlower Ftight Weith Mrorissey
vlower vight sith Mkrrissey vFlower vFight sWith Fvlower Fvight Wsith Mokrrissey dlower dight 2ith M9rrissey dFlower dFight 2With M9orrissey
Fdlower Fdight W2ith Mo9rrissey Fllower Fiight qith M0rrissey Fower Fght qWith M0orrissey Folwer Fgiht Wqith Mo0rrissey Fkower Fjght Wiith Mlrrissey
Fklower Fjight Wth Mlorrissey Flkower Fijght Wtih Molrrissey Foower F9ght Wjth Mirrissey Folower F9ight Wjith Miorrissey Floower Fi9ght Wijth Moirrissey
Fpower Flght W9th Morrrissey Fplower Flight W9ith Morissey Flpower Filght Wi9th Morrissey Foght Wlth Modrissey Flwer Foight Wlith Modrrissey
Flwoer Fioght Wilth Mordrissey Flkwer Fkght Woth Mo4rissey Fkight Woith Mo4rrissey Flokwer Fikght Wioth Mor4rissey Fl9wer F8ght Wkth Mogrissey
Fl9ower F8ight Wkith Mogrrissey Flo9wer Fi8ght Wikth Morgrissey Fl0wer Fught W8th Motrissey Fl0ower Fuight W8ith Motrrissey Flo0wer Fiught Wi8th Mortrissey
Fllwer Figght Wuth Mo5rissey Fiht Wuith Mo5rrissey Flolwer Fihgt Wiuth Mor5rissey Fliwer Fihht Witth Mofrissey Fliower Fihght Wih Mofrrissey
Floiwer Fighht Wiht Morfrissey Flowwer Fiyht Wifh Moerissey Floer Fiyght Wifth Moerrissey Floewr Figyht Witfh Morerissey Floaer Fibht Wi5h
Floawer Fibght Wi5th Flowaer Figbht Wit5h Morirssey Flo3er Fivht Wihh Mordissey Flo3wer Fivght Wihth Flow3er Figvht Withh Morrdissey
Floder Fifht Wiyh Mor4issey Flodwer Fifght Wiyth Flowder Figfht Wityh Morr4issey Floeer Fitht Wi6h Morgissey Floewer Fitght Wi6th
Floweer Figtht Wit6h Morrgissey Floser Wigh Mortissey Floswer Figt Wigth Flowser Figth Witgh Morrtissey Flo2er Figjt Wirh Mor5issey
Flo2wer Figjht Wirth Flow2er Fighjt Witrh Morr5issey Floqer Figut Morfissey Floqwer Figuht Wit Flowqer Fighut With Morrfissey
Fignt Witj Moreissey Flowr Fignht Witjh Flowre Fighnt Withj Morreissey Flowsr Figbt Witu Morriissey Wituh Morrssey
Flowesr Fighbt Withu Morrsisey Flow3r Figgt Witn Morrjssey Witnh Morrjissey Flowe3r Fighgt Withn Morrijssey

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