Who You Gonna Believe

I remember every word you said, we can't go on this way
Last night you had me going out of my head
Should I go or stay
I've given you everything that a woman could give a man
When you gonna recognize and realize just what you have
(Now tell me)

Who you gonna believe, her or me?
What's it gonna be
Who you gonna believe, before your heart shatters
Love is all that matters

You put me through that lovers game over and over
Someday, someon'e gonna put youthrough the same
Lover to lover
I hope you don't find out too late
I hope you never have to feel the pain
'Cause if you lose the love you took for granted
That you could never appreciate


What about me, don't you think I need a man here
Standing by my side
What about you, you need a woman to hold you
Through those cold and lonely nights
What about us, we belong together for ever and ever
Oh, I'll be there if you should ever need me
I know, everythingwill work out fine, just believe it
I know, 'cause we've been through this a million times
Keep on believing
I hope you don't find out too late
I hope you never have to feel the pain
'Cause if you lose the love you took for granted
That you could never appreciate, after all this time


Mirror lyrics:


That you could never appreciate, after all this time
'Cause if you lose the love you took for granted
I hope you never have to feel the pain
I hope you don't find out too late
Keep on believing
I know, 'cause we've been through this a million times
I know, everythingwill work out fine, just believe it
Oh, I'll be there if you should ever need me
What about us, we belong together for ever and ever
Through those cold and lonely nights
What about you, you need a woman to hold you
Standing by my side
What about me, don't you think I need a man here


That you could never appreciate
'Cause if you lose the love you took for granted
I hope you never have to feel the pain
I hope you don't find out too late
Lover to lover
Someday, someon'e gonna put youthrough the same
You put me through that lovers game over and over

Love is all that matters
Who you gonna believe, before your heart shatters
What's it gonna be
Who you gonna believe, her or me?

(Now tell me)
When you gonna recognize and realize just what you have
I've given you everything that a woman could give a man
Should I go or stay
Last night you had me going out of my head
I remember every word you said, we can't go on this way

Relevant Tags:
WWho YYou GGonna BBelieve ho ou onna elieve hWo oYu oGnna eBlieve aho gou honna velieve aWho gYou hGonna vBelieve Waho Ygou Ghonna Bvelieve
3ho hou yonna gelieve 3Who hYou yGonna gBelieve W3ho Yhou Gyonna Bgelieve dho 6ou bonna nelieve dWho 6You bGonna nBelieve Wdho Y6ou Gbonna Bnelieve
eho uou vonna helieve eWho uYou vGonna hBelieve Weho Yuou Gvonna Bhelieve sho 7ou fonna Beelieve sWho 7You fGonna Blieve Wsho Y7ou Gfonna Bleieve
2ho jou tonna Bslieve 2Who jYou tGonna Bselieve W2ho Yjou Gtonna Beslieve qho tou Goonna B3lieve qWho tYou Gnna B3elieve Wqho Ytou Gnona Be3lieve
Whho Yoou Gknna Bflieve Wo Yu Gkonna Bfelieve Woh Yuo Goknna Beflieve Wjo Yku G9nna Brlieve Wjho Ykou G9onna Brelieve Whjo Yoku Go9nna Berlieve
Wuo Y9u G0nna B4lieve Wuho Y9ou G0onna B4elieve Whuo Yo9u Go0nna Be4lieve Wno Y0u Glnna Bdlieve Wnho Y0ou Glonna Bdelieve Whno Yo0u Golnna Bedlieve
Wbo Ylu Ginna Bwlieve Wbho Ylou Gionna Bwelieve Whbo Yolu Goinna Bewlieve Wgo Yiu Gonnna Bellieve Wgho Yiou Gona Beieve Whgo Yoiu Gonna Beileve
Wyo Youu Gomna Bekieve Wyho Yo Gomnna Beklieve Whyo You Gonmna Belkieve Whoo Yoh Gohna Beoieve Wh Yohu Gohnna Beolieve Who Youh Gonhna Beloieve
Whk Yo7 Gojna Bepieve Whko Yo7u Gojnna Beplieve Whok You7 Gonjna Belpieve Wh9 Yok Gobna Beliieve Wh9o Gobnna Beleve Who9 Youk Gonbna Beleive
Wh0 Yoi Beljeve Wh0o Beljieve Who0 Youi Gonan Belijeve Whl Yo8 Gonma Bel9eve Whlo Yo8u Bel9ieve Whol You8 Gonnma Beli9eve
Whi Yoj Gonha Belleve Whio Yoju Whoi Youj Gonnha Belileve Yoy Gonja Beloeve Yoyu Youy Gonnja Belioeve
Gonba Belkeve

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