Walk With Me

Standing all alone inside a crowd
Someone comes along and pulls you out
You smile at the chance
But deep inside, you hide your heart again

Walk with me
Take my hand and walk with me
You can count on me
Through your troubles times
I'll be for you what you've been for me
Walk with me, understand
Oh walk with me

Standing all alone so down and out
It easy to forget what life's about
But you know I'm your cure
So wear that smile we need
To see us through


Baby, baby I am here
When you can't see me
See me through your tears
Feel me, feel me make it real for you
And you'll make it, baby

[Chorus x2]

Mirror lyrics:

[Chorus x2]

And you'll make it, baby
Feel me, feel me make it real for you
See me through your tears
When you can't see me
Baby, baby I am here


To see us through
So wear that smile we need
But you know I'm your cure
It easy to forget what life's about
Standing all alone so down and out

Oh walk with me
Walk with me, understand
I'll be for you what you've been for me
Through your troubles times
You can count on me
Take my hand and walk with me
Walk with me

But deep inside, you hide your heart again
You smile at the chance
Someone comes along and pulls you out
Standing all alone inside a crowd

Relevant Tags:
WWalk WWith MMe alk ith e aWlk iWth eM aalk aith je aWalk aWith jMe Waalk Waith Mje 3alk 3ith ke 3Walk 3With kMe W3alk W3ith Mke
dalk dith ne dWalk dWith nMe Wdalk Wdith Mne ealk eith Mee eWalk eWith M Wealk Weith Me salk sith Ms sWalk sWith Mse Wsalk Wsith Mes
2alk 2ith M3 2Walk 2With M3e W2alk W2ith Me3 qalk qith Mf qWalk qWith Mfe Wqalk Wqith Mef Wiith Mr Wlk Wth Mre Wlak Wtih Mer
Wzlk Wjth M4 Wzalk Wjith M4e Wazlk Wijth Me4 Wqlk W9th Md W9ith Mde Waqlk Wi9th Med Wslk Wlth Mw Wlith Mwe Waslk Wilth Mew
Wwlk Woth Wwalk Woith Wawlk Wioth Wxlk Wkth Wxalk Wkith Waxlk Wikth Wallk W8th Wak W8ith Wakl Wi8th

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