The First Time

Oh I heard a rooster crow
I think I better go
Never been out this late before
Please don't think I'm a bore
But will I see you anymore

Say have you got a comb that I can use
I'm sure I look like real bad news
Like I really been abused
Don't get me wrong when I ask before
If I'll see you anymore

I don't know if I should laugh or cry
Do you want to kiss me goodbye?
Or was I just another try
You're a funny kinda guy
Don't know what I'll say
When they ask me why

Oh I heard a rooster crow
I think I better go
Never been out this late before
I know when I walk outside your door
I won't see you anymore

Mirror lyrics:

I won't see you anymore
I know when I walk outside your door
Never been out this late before
I think I better go
Oh I heard a rooster crow

When they ask me why
Don't know what I'll say
You're a funny kinda guy
Or was I just another try
Do you want to kiss me goodbye?
I don't know if I should laugh or cry

If I'll see you anymore
Don't get me wrong when I ask before
Like I really been abused
I'm sure I look like real bad news
Say have you got a comb that I can use

But will I see you anymore
Please don't think I'm a bore
Never been out this late before
I think I better go
Oh I heard a rooster crow

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFirst TTime he irst ime hTe iFrst iTme fhe cirst fime fThe cFirst fTime Tfhe Fcirst Tfime 5he rirst 5ime 5The rFirst 5Time
T5he Frirst T5ime hhe girst hime hThe gFirst hTime Thhe Fgirst Thime yhe tirst yime yThe tFirst yTime Tyhe Ftirst Tyime 6he virst 6ime
6The vFirst 6Time T6he Fvirst T6ime ghe dirst gime gThe dFirst gTime Tghe Fdirst Tgime rhe Fiirst rime rThe Frst rTime Trhe Frist Trime
Fjrst Tiime Te Fjirst Tme Teh Fijrst Tmie Tje F9rst Tjme Tjhe F9irst Tjime Thje Fi9rst Tijme Tue Flrst T9me Tuhe Flirst T9ime
Thue Filrst Ti9me Tne Forst Tlme Tnhe Foirst Tlime Thne Fiorst Tilme Tbe Fkrst Tome Tbhe Fkirst Toime Thbe Fikrst Tiome Tge F8rst Tkme
F8irst Tkime Thge Fi8rst Tikme Tye Furst T8me Fuirst T8ime Thye Fiurst Ti8me Thee Firrst Tume Th Fist Tuime The Fisrt Tiume
Ths Fidst Timme Thse Fidrst Tie Thes Firdst Tiem Th3 Fi4st Tije Th3e Fi4rst The3 Fir4st Timje Thf Figst Tike Thfe Figrst

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