Rhythm Of Your Heartbeat


Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

Play in time with the rhythm of mine

And till the end of our life

We'll be together

When I was young my momma said, hey son

Some day you're gonna find that no man is an island

That's strange' cause when I was sixteen my pappa said the same

And my pappa was a wise man

Time pass and suddenly I knew

That all they said was true

Cause here I am with you

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

Play in time with the rhythm of mine

And till the end of our life

We'll be together

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

Play in time till we're older, we pray

Then we'll turn to each other and say

Love last forever

A time my whole life seemed to be

A sad, unfinished song

Without a rhythm or meaning

I played in such a minor key

My words came out all wrong

They lost that loving feeling

I thought I could face life on my own

But I should of know

That no man can stand alone

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

Play in time with the rhythm of mine

And till the end of our life

We'll be together

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

Play in time till we're older, we pray

Then we'll turn to each other and say

Love last forever

Can you hear it beatin'

Can you hear it beatin'

Ah let it beat on baby

Till the end of time

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

Play in time with the rhythm of mine

And till the end of our life

We'll be together

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

Play in time till we're older, we pray

Then we'll turn to each other and say

Love last forever

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

Play in time with the rhythm of mine

Mirror lyrics:

Play in time with the rhythm of mine

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

Love last forever

Then we'll turn to each other and say

Play in time till we're older, we pray

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

We'll be together

And till the end of our life

Play in time with the rhythm of mine

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

Till the end of time

Ah let it beat on baby

Can you hear it beatin'

Can you hear it beatin'

Love last forever

Then we'll turn to each other and say

Play in time till we're older, we pray

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

We'll be together

And till the end of our life

Play in time with the rhythm of mine

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

That no man can stand alone

But I should of know

I thought I could face life on my own

They lost that loving feeling

My words came out all wrong

I played in such a minor key

Without a rhythm or meaning

A sad, unfinished song

A time my whole life seemed to be

Love last forever

Then we'll turn to each other and say

Play in time till we're older, we pray

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

We'll be together

And till the end of our life

Play in time with the rhythm of mine

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat

Cause here I am with you

That all they said was true

Time pass and suddenly I knew

And my pappa was a wise man

That's strange' cause when I was sixteen my pappa said the same

Some day you're gonna find that no man is an island

When I was young my momma said, hey son

We'll be together

And till the end of our life

Play in time with the rhythm of mine

Yea, let the rhythm of your heartbeat


Relevant Tags:
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Rhhythm Or Yoour Hsartbeat Rythm Orf Yur Hseartbeat Ryhthm Ofr Yuor Hesartbeat Rjythm Og Ykur H3artbeat Rjhythm Ogf Ykour H3eartbeat Rhjythm Ofg Yokur He3artbeat
Ruythm Ot Y9ur Hfartbeat Ruhythm Otf Y9our Hfeartbeat Rhuythm Oft Yo9ur Hefartbeat Rnythm Ov Y0ur Hrartbeat Rnhythm Ovf Y0our Hreartbeat Rhnythm Ofv Yo0ur Herartbeat
Rbythm Od Ylur H4artbeat Rbhythm Odf Ylour H4eartbeat Rhbythm Ofd Yolur He4artbeat Rgythm Yiur Hdartbeat Yiour Hdeartbeat Rhgythm Yoiur Hedartbeat
Ryythm Youur Hwartbeat Ryhythm Yor Hweartbeat Rhyythm Yoru Hewartbeat Yohr Heaartbeat Rhthm Yohur Hertbeat Rhtyhm Youhr Heratbeat
Rhgthm Yo7r Hezrtbeat Yo7ur Hezartbeat Rhygthm You7r Heazrtbeat Rhhthm Yokr Heqrtbeat Heqartbeat Rhyhthm Youkr Heaqrtbeat
Rh6thm Yoir Hesrtbeat Rh6ythm Rhy6thm Youir Heasrtbeat Rhuthm Yo8r Hewrtbeat Yo8ur Rhyuthm You8r Heawrtbeat
Rh7thm Yojr Hexrtbeat Rh7ythm Yojur Hexartbeat Rhy7thm Youjr Heaxrtbeat Rhjthm Yoyr Hearrtbeat Yoyur Heatbeat Rhyjthm Youyr Heatrbeat
Rhtthm Yourr Headtbeat Rhtythm You Headrtbeat Rhytthm Your Heardtbeat Youd Hea4tbeat Rhyhm Youdr Hea4rtbeat Rhyhtm Yourd Hear4tbeat
Rhyfhm You4 Heagtbeat Rhyfthm You4r Heagrtbeat Rhytfhm Your4 Heargtbeat Rhy5hm Youg Heattbeat Rhy5thm Yougr Heatrtbeat Rhyt5hm Yourg Hearttbeat
Rhyhhm Yout Hea5tbeat Youtr Hea5rtbeat Rhythhm Yourt Hear5tbeat Rhyyhm You5 Heaftbeat You5r Heafrtbeat Rhytyhm Your5 Hearftbeat
Rhy6hm Youf Heaetbeat Youfr Heaertbeat Rhyt6hm Yourf Hearetbeat Rhyghm Youe Youer Hearbeat Rhytghm Youre Hearbteat
Rhyrhm Hearfbeat

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