Where I Want To Be (feat. Josh Groban)

Who needs a dream?
Who needs ambition?
Who'd be the fool
In my position?
Once I had dreams,
Now they're obsessions.
Hopes became needs--
Lovers possessions.

Then they move in
Oh so discreetly,
Slowly at first--
Smiling too sweetly.
I opened doors
They walked right through them.
Called me their friend--
I hardly knew them.

Now I'm
Where I want to be,
And who I want to be,
And doing what I
Always said I would,
And yet I feel
I haven't won at all.
Running for my life,
And never looking back
In case there's someone
Right behind to shoot me down
And say he always knew I'd fall.

When the crazy wheel
Slows down,
Where will I be?
Back where I started.

Don't get me wrong,
I'm not complaining.
Times have been good--
Fast, entertaining.
But what's the point
If I'm concealing
Not only love,
All other feeling?

Now I'm
Where I want to be,
And who I want to be,
And doing what I
Always said I would,
And yet I feel
I haven't won at all.
I'm running for my life,
And never looking back
In case there's someone
Right behind to shoot me down
And say he always knew I'd fall.

When the crazy wheel
Slows down,
Where will I be?
Back where I started.

Viigand: [Spoken]
Comrade, Molokov tells me you want to play chess.

Anatoly: [Spoken]
Go to hell.

Mirror lyrics:

Go to hell.
Anatoly: [Spoken]

Comrade, Molokov tells me you want to play chess.
Viigand: [Spoken]

Back where I started.
Where will I be?
Slows down,
When the crazy wheel

And say he always knew I'd fall.
Right behind to shoot me down
In case there's someone
And never looking back
I'm running for my life,
I haven't won at all.
And yet I feel
Always said I would,
And doing what I
And who I want to be,
Where I want to be,
Now I'm

All other feeling?
Not only love,
If I'm concealing
But what's the point
Fast, entertaining.
Times have been good--
I'm not complaining.
Don't get me wrong,

Back where I started.
Where will I be?
Slows down,
When the crazy wheel

And say he always knew I'd fall.
Right behind to shoot me down
In case there's someone
And never looking back
Running for my life,
I haven't won at all.
And yet I feel
Always said I would,
And doing what I
And who I want to be,
Where I want to be,
Now I'm

I hardly knew them.
Called me their friend--
They walked right through them.
I opened doors
Smiling too sweetly.
Slowly at first--
Oh so discreetly,
Then they move in

Lovers possessions.
Hopes became needs--
Now they're obsessions.
Once I had dreams,
In my position?
Who'd be the fool
Who needs ambition?
Who needs a dream?

Relevant Tags:
WWhere II WWant TTo BBe ((feat. JJosh GGroban) here ant o e feat. osh roban) hWere I aWnt oT eB f(eat. oJsh rGoban)
ahere j aant fo ve (ffeat. kosh hroban) aWhere jI aWant fTo vBe (eat. kJosh hGroban) Wahere Ij Waant Tfo Bve (efat. Jkosh Ghroban)
3here 9 3ant 5o ge (ceat. iosh yroban) 3Where 9I 3Want 5To gBe (cfeat. iJosh yGroban) W3here I9 W3ant T5o Bge (fceat. Jiosh Gyroban)
dhere l dant ho ne (reat. mosh broban) dWhere lI dWant hTo nBe (rfeat. mJosh bGroban) Wdhere Il Wdant Tho Bne (freat. Jmosh Gbroban)
ehere o eant yo he (geat. nosh vroban) eWhere oI eWant yTo hBe (gfeat. nJosh vGroban) Wehere Io Weant Tyo Bhe (fgeat. Jnosh Gvroban)
shere k sant 6o Bee (teat. hosh froban) sWhere kI sWant 6To B (tfeat. hJosh fGroban) Wshere Ik Wsant T6o Be (fteat. Jhosh Gfroban)
2here 8 2ant go Bs (veat. uosh troban) 2Where 8I 2Want gTo Bse (vfeat. uJosh tGroban) W2here I8 W2ant Tgo Bes (fveat. Juosh Gtroban)
qhere u qant ro B3 (deat. Joosh Grroban) qWhere uI qWant rTo B3e (dfeat. Jsh Goban) Wqhere Iu Wqant Tro Be3 (fdeat. Jsoh Gorban)
Whhere Too Bf (feeat. Jksh Gdoban) Were Wnt T Bfe (fat. Gdroban) Wehre Wnat To Bef (faet. Joksh Grdoban)
Wjere Wznt Tk Br (fsat. J9sh G4oban) Wjhere Wzant Tko Bre (fseat. J9osh G4roban) Whjere Waznt Tok Ber (fesat. Jo9sh Gr4oban)
Wuere Wqnt T9 B4 (f3at. J0sh Ggoban) Wuhere T9o B4e (f3eat. J0osh Ggroban) Whuere Waqnt To9 Be4 (fe3at. Jo0sh Grgoban)
Wnere Wsnt T0 Bd (ffat. Jlsh Gtoban) Wnhere T0o Bde Jlosh Whnere Wasnt To0 Bed (fefat. Jolsh Grtoban)
Wbere Wwnt Tl Bw (frat. Jish G5oban) Wbhere Wwant Tlo Bwe G5roban) Whbere Wawnt Tol Bew (ferat. Joish Gr5oban)
Wgere Wxnt Ti (f4at. Jossh Gfoban) Wghere Wxant Tio (f4eat. Joh Whgere Waxnt Toi (fe4at. Johs Grfoban)
Wyere Wannt (fdat. Jozh Geoban) Wyhere Wat Jozsh Geroban) Whyere Watn (fedat. Joszh Greoban)
Wheere Wamt (fwat. Jowh Grooban) Whre Wamnt (fweat. Jowsh Grban) Whree Wanmt (fewat. Joswh Grboan)
Whsre Waht (feaat. Jodh Grkban) Whsere Wahnt (fet. Jodsh Grkoban) Whesre Wanht (feta. Josdh Grokban)
Wh3re Wajt (fezt. Joeh Gr9ban) Wh3ere Wajnt (fezat. Joesh Gr9oban) Whe3re Wanjt (feazt. Joseh Gro9ban)
Whfre Wabt (feqt. Joxh Gr0ban) Whfere Wabnt (feqat. Joxsh Gr0oban)

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