Falling Down Hurts

I'm just lying down
I don't mean no harm
Sorry if I am snoring

Ozzie drank too much
Alice drank too much

Are you feeling better now?
I'm feeling better now

Trying to take a step
But I am falling down

Look at Riley go
She can't really play
Play for Daiquiri

She says that she's great
She's not in the bed
Nuh, no, no, nuh-uh

Are you feeling better now?
I'm feeling better now

Trying to take a step
But I am falling down

Skip keeping steady
Using one foot at a time

I could use some help
Please give me a hand
Would you, won't you please?

Are you feeling better now?
I'm feeling better now

Trying to take a step
But I am falling down

Just not looking out
It's my own fault

Trying to take a bath
Bubbles to wash it off
Fall in and sleep in it

I was getting bored
I was getting bored
I was getting bored, bored, bored, bored

Mirror lyrics:

I was getting bored, bored, bored, bored
I was getting bored
I was getting bored

Fall in and sleep in it
Bubbles to wash it off
Trying to take a bath

It's my own fault
Just not looking out

But I am falling down
Trying to take a step

I'm feeling better now
Are you feeling better now?

Would you, won't you please?
Please give me a hand
I could use some help

Using one foot at a time
Skip keeping steady

But I am falling down
Trying to take a step

I'm feeling better now
Are you feeling better now?

Nuh, no, no, nuh-uh
She's not in the bed
She says that she's great

Play for Daiquiri
She can't really play
Look at Riley go

But I am falling down
Trying to take a step

I'm feeling better now
Are you feeling better now?

Alice drank too much
Ozzie drank too much

Sorry if I am snoring
I don't mean no harm
I'm just lying down

Relevant Tags:
FFalling DDown HHurts alling own urts aFlling oDwn uHrts calling xown jurts cFalling xDown jHurts Fcalling Dxown Hjurts
ralling eown uurts rFalling eDown uHurts Fralling Deown Huurts galling fown nurts gFalling fDown nHurts Fgalling Dfown Hnurts
talling rown burts tFalling rDown bHurts Ftalling Drown Hburts valling cown gurts vFalling cDown gHurts Fvalling Dcown Hgurts
dalling sown yurts dFalling sDown yHurts Fdalling Dsown Hyurts Faalling Doown Flling Dwn Hrts Flaling Dwon Hruts
Fzlling Dkwn Hhrts Fzalling Dkown Hhurts Fazlling Dokwn Huhrts Fqlling D9wn H7rts Fqalling D9own H7urts Faqlling Do9wn Hu7rts
Fslling D0wn Hkrts Fsalling D0own Hkurts Faslling Do0wn Hukrts Fwlling Dlwn Hirts Fwalling Dlown Hiurts Fawlling Dolwn Huirts
Fxlling Diwn H8rts Fxalling Diown H8urts Faxlling Doiwn Hu8rts Fallling Dowwn Hjrts Faling Don Falling Donw Hujrts
Fakling Doan Hyrts Faklling Doawn Falkling Dowan Huyrts Faoling Do3n Hurrts Faolling Do3wn Huts Faloling Dow3n Hutrs
Fapling Dodn Hudts Faplling Dodwn Hudrts Falpling Dowdn Hurdts Doen Hu4ts Doewn Hu4rts Falilng Dowen Hur4ts
Falking Dosn Hugts Doswn Hugrts

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