Dale Watson
I Hate These Songs

Misery and gin

Here I am drunk again

And gone gone gone

Man I hate these songs

Silver wings

And old lonesome memory

The music plays on

I hate these songs


Cause I sit in my car

And I bathe in their sorrow

Try to wash away my pain

Just to get through tomorrow

Note by note

Line by line

It cuts to the bone

Man I hate these songs

Crazy four walls

He stoped loving her today

And old lonely street

Ain't it funny how time slips away

And born to loose

Am I losing you

I'm just hanging on

Man I hate these songs


The music plays on

Man I hate these songs

Mirror lyrics:

Man I hate these songs

The music plays on


Man I hate these songs

I'm just hanging on

Am I losing you

And born to loose

Ain't it funny how time slips away

And old lonely street

He stoped loving her today

Crazy four walls

Man I hate these songs

It cuts to the bone

Line by line

Note by note

Just to get through tomorrow

Try to wash away my pain

And I bathe in their sorrow

Cause I sit in my car


I hate these songs

The music plays on

And old lonesome memory

Silver wings

Man I hate these songs

And gone gone gone

Here I am drunk again

Misery and gin

Relevant Tags:
II HHate TThese SSongs ate hese ongs I aHte hTese oSngs j jate fhese zongs jI jHate fThese zSongs Ij Hjate Tfhese Szongs
9 uate 5hese wongs 9I uHate 5These wSongs I9 Huate T5hese Swongs l nate hhese dongs lI nHate hThese dSongs Il Hnate Thhese Sdongs
o bate yhese eongs oI bHate yThese eSongs Io Hbate Tyhese Seongs k gate 6hese xongs kI gHate 6These xSongs Ik Hgate T6hese Sxongs
8 yate ghese aongs 8I yHate gThese aSongs I8 Hyate Tghese Saongs u Haate rhese Soongs uI Hte rThese Sngs Iu Htae Trhese Snogs
Hzte Skngs Hzate Tese Skongs Hazte Tehse Sokngs Hqte Tjese S9ngs Hqate Tjhese S9ongs Haqte Thjese So9ngs
Hste Tuese S0ngs Hsate Tuhese S0ongs Haste Thuese So0ngs Hwte Tnese Slngs Hwate Tnhese Slongs Hawte Thnese Solngs
Hxte Tbese Sings Hxate Tbhese Siongs Haxte Thbese Soings Hatte Tgese Sonngs Hae Sogs Haet Thgese Sogns
Hafe Tyese Somgs Hafte Somngs Hatfe Thyese Sonmgs Ha5e Theese Sohgs Ha5te Thse Sohngs Hat5e Thsee Sonhgs
Hahe Thsse Sojgs Hahte Thsese Sojngs Hathe Thesse Sonjgs Haye Th3se Sobgs

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