Dale Watson
Why Oh Why Live A Lie

the talk u talk ain't the walk u walk,
why oh why live a lie,
the word's u speak u don't really mean,
why oh why live a lie,

u can't be true to me be true to u,
u can't love me just because u say u do,
ur tongue tells stills but ur heart know's well,

why oh why live a lie,

u seam blinded by all those temting signs,
why oh why live a lie,

Mirror lyrics:

why oh why live a lie,
u seam blinded by all those temting signs,

why oh why live a lie,

ur tongue tells stills but ur heart know's well,
u can't love me just because u say u do,
u can't be true to me be true to u,

why oh why live a lie,
the word's u speak u don't really mean,
why oh why live a lie,
the talk u talk ain't the walk u walk,

Relevant Tags:
WWhy OOh WWhy LLive AA LLie hy h hy ive ie hWy hO hWy iLve A iLe ahy kh ahy kive z kie aWhy kOh aWhy kLive zA kLie Wahy Okh Wahy Lkive Az Lkie
3hy 9h 3hy oive q oie 3Why 9Oh 3Why oLive qA oLie W3hy O9h W3hy Loive Aq Loie dhy 0h dhy pive s pie dWhy 0Oh dWhy pLive sA pLie Wdhy O0h Wdhy Lpive As Lpie
ehy lh ehy Liive w Liie eWhy lOh eWhy Lve wA Le Wehy Olh Wehy Lvie Aw Lei shy ih shy Ljve x Lje sWhy iOh sWhy Ljive xA Ljie Wshy Oih Wshy Lijve Ax Lije
2hy Ohh 2hy L9ve L9e 2Why O 2Why L9ive L9ie W2hy Oh W2hy Li9ve Li9e qhy Oj qhy Llve Lle qWhy Ojh qWhy Llive Llie Wqhy Ohj Wqhy Lilve Lile
Whhy Ou Whhy Love Loe Wy Ouh Wy Wyh Ohu Wyh Liove Lioe Wjy On Wjy Lkve Lke Wjhy Onh Wjhy Whjy Ohn Whjy Likve Like
Wuy Ob Wuy L8ve L8e Wuhy Obh Wuhy L8ive L8ie Whuy Ohb Whuy Li8ve Li8e Wny Og Wny Luve Lue Wnhy Ogh Wnhy Luive Luie Whny Ohg Whny Liuve Liue

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