Dan Fogelberg
The Outlaw

Among the possesions of an outlaw of a low class kind
Is this little bottle of french perfume
Taken as a last thought from a drug store in suburbia
He said, 'lady, look what I've got for you.'
She said, 'jesse, I don't hardly even know you anymore.
And judging from your grin, you'd think you held up henry ford.
And I don't believe I want you a comin' 'round here anymore. ooh.'

Jesse, he was hurt, boy, and he left there, and he slammed the door.
And he wandered through the alleyways.
Thinkin' all the while that she'd be proud of what he stole for her,
And he tried to think of better ways.
Dreamin' of a movie that he'd seen one afternoon,
He drew out all his savings and he went and bought a gun.
And he ran right home and stood before his mirror
Acting like a thug, ooh.

He waited for a dark night; he was frightened, boy, the fog rolled in,
As a rich man, he came walkin' by,
'hold your hands up high,' he cried,
'i've come to make your fortune mine.'
But his eyes, they gave him right away,
Jesse dropped the gun and they both stared at to where it lay.
And jesse asked the man if he'd please leave him in his pain.
And the man tried to forgive him, but there's not much he could say. ooh.

Among the possessions of an outlaw of a low class kind
Is this little bottle of french perfume
Taken as a last thought from a drugstore in suburbia.
He said, 'lady, look what I've got for you.'
'ah, take it, ah, please take it; I'm tired and I'm poor.
And this crappy french perfume is nothin' less than my own soul.
I was feelin' half a man; I wanted to feel whole, ooh.'

Mirror lyrics:

I was feelin' half a man; I wanted to feel whole, ooh.'
And this crappy french perfume is nothin' less than my own soul.
'ah, take it, ah, please take it; I'm tired and I'm poor.
He said, 'lady, look what I've got for you.'
Taken as a last thought from a drugstore in suburbia.
Is this little bottle of french perfume
Among the possessions of an outlaw of a low class kind

And the man tried to forgive him, but there's not much he could say. ooh.
And jesse asked the man if he'd please leave him in his pain.
Jesse dropped the gun and they both stared at to where it lay.
But his eyes, they gave him right away,
'i've come to make your fortune mine.'
'hold your hands up high,' he cried,
As a rich man, he came walkin' by,
He waited for a dark night; he was frightened, boy, the fog rolled in,

Acting like a thug, ooh.
And he ran right home and stood before his mirror
He drew out all his savings and he went and bought a gun.
Dreamin' of a movie that he'd seen one afternoon,
And he tried to think of better ways.
Thinkin' all the while that she'd be proud of what he stole for her,
And he wandered through the alleyways.
Jesse, he was hurt, boy, and he left there, and he slammed the door.

And I don't believe I want you a comin' 'round here anymore. ooh.'
And judging from your grin, you'd think you held up henry ford.
She said, 'jesse, I don't hardly even know you anymore.
He said, 'lady, look what I've got for you.'
Taken as a last thought from a drug store in suburbia
Is this little bottle of french perfume
Among the possesions of an outlaw of a low class kind

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TThe OOutlaw he utlaw hTe uOtlaw fhe kutlaw fThe kOutlaw Tfhe Okutlaw 5he 9utlaw 5The 9Outlaw T5he O9utlaw hhe 0utlaw hThe 0Outlaw
Thhe O0utlaw yhe lutlaw yThe lOutlaw Tyhe Olutlaw 6he iutlaw 6The iOutlaw T6he Oiutlaw ghe Ouutlaw gThe Otlaw Tghe Otulaw rhe Ohtlaw
rThe Ohutlaw Trhe Ouhtlaw O7tlaw Te O7utlaw Teh Ou7tlaw Tje Oktlaw Tjhe Thje Ouktlaw Tue Oitlaw Tuhe Thue Ouitlaw
Tne O8tlaw Tnhe O8utlaw Thne Ou8tlaw Tbe Ojtlaw Tbhe Ojutlaw Thbe Oujtlaw Tge Oytlaw Oyutlaw Thge Ouytlaw Tye Outtlaw Oulaw
Thye Oultaw Thee Ouflaw Th Ouftlaw The Outflaw Ths Ou5law Thse Ou5tlaw Thes Out5law Th3 Ouhlaw Th3e The3 Outhlaw Thf Ouylaw

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