Circle Takes The Square
Eleven Owls Have Eyes

Surface, through the circuits, breaker breaker.
Someone's calling but there's no one on the line.
Positive, negative, negative, breaker breaker.
These wires are live, these wires are
merging with the circuits, breaker, breaker.
Broken fuses spark, lighting, illuminating their blacked out eyes.

Fading out
Fading out
Father, son and holy ghost.
You can't find us in the dark.
You can't save us when wires are cut.
Houses haunted hurt the most.
Vulnerability is created and defined by the night.
Fall is getting closer.
Ruled by the moon.
Now that we're hiding in the darkness holding hands,
now as we pray, as we pray.
Lead the way.
Don't leave me bound here in desire,
Lead the way. Forever is too long to wait.

Time keeps on pulling the seconds away,
preaching abandonment, intentions remain
to embrace the sweet impossible.

Time succumbs to the rhythm of a slowly fading pulse.
Lights from flashlights flash on breakers,
loose connections connected tight.
Symmetry described by the minds intent.
Eleven birds of prey take flight.
Asymmetrical equations,
borne to lack diurnal sight.
Brown eyes begging her consent.
White old woman of the night:

Right behind the lightning staring past the rain.
Running down the red clay.
Time succumbs to the rhythm of a slowly fading pulse...

Mirror lyrics:

Time succumbs to the rhythm of a slowly fading pulse...
Running down the red clay.
Right behind the lightning staring past the rain.

White old woman of the night:
Brown eyes begging her consent.
borne to lack diurnal sight.
Asymmetrical equations,
Eleven birds of prey take flight.
Symmetry described by the minds intent.
loose connections connected tight.
Lights from flashlights flash on breakers,
Time succumbs to the rhythm of a slowly fading pulse.

to embrace the sweet impossible.
preaching abandonment, intentions remain
Time keeps on pulling the seconds away,

Lead the way. Forever is too long to wait.
Don't leave me bound here in desire,
Lead the way.
now as we pray, as we pray.
Now that we're hiding in the darkness holding hands,
Ruled by the moon.
Fall is getting closer.
Vulnerability is created and defined by the night.
Houses haunted hurt the most.
You can't save us when wires are cut.
You can't find us in the dark.
Father, son and holy ghost.
Fading out
Fading out

Broken fuses spark, lighting, illuminating their blacked out eyes.
merging with the circuits, breaker, breaker.
These wires are live, these wires are
Positive, negative, negative, breaker breaker.
Someone's calling but there's no one on the line.
Surface, through the circuits, breaker breaker.

Relevant Tags:
EEleven OOwls HHave EEyes leven wls ave yes lEeven wOls aHve yEes sleven kwls jave syes sEleven kOwls jHave sEyes Esleven Okwls Hjave Esyes
3leven 9wls uave 3yes 3Eleven 9Owls uHave 3Eyes E3leven O9wls Huave E3yes fleven 0wls nave fyes fEleven 0Owls nHave fEyes Efleven O0wls Hnave Efyes
rleven lwls bave ryes rEleven lOwls bHave rEyes Erleven Olwls Hbave Eryes 4leven iwls gave 4yes 4Eleven iOwls gHave 4Eyes E4leven Oiwls Hgave E4yes
dleven Owwls yave dyes dEleven Ols yHave dEyes Edleven Olws Hyave Edyes wleven Oals Haave wyes wEleven Oawls Hve wEyes Ewleven Owals Hvae Ewyes
Elleven O3ls Hzve Eyyes Eeven O3wls Hzave Ees Eelven Ow3ls Hazve Eeys Ekeven Odls Hqve Eges Ekleven Odwls Hqave Egyes Elkeven Owdls Haqve Eyges
Eoeven Oels Hsve Ehes Eoleven Oewls Hsave Ehyes Eloeven Owels Hasve Eyhes Epeven Osls Hwve E6es Epleven Oswls Hwave E6yes Elpeven Owsls Hawve Ey6es
Eleeven O2ls Hxve Eues Elven O2wls Hxave Euyes Elveen Ow2ls Haxve Eyues Elsven Oqls Havve E7es Elseven Oqwls Hae E7yes Elesven Owqls Haev Ey7es
El3ven Owlls Habe Ejes El3even Ows Habve Ejyes Ele3ven Owsl Havbe Eyjes Elfven Owks Hace Etes Elfeven Owkls Hacve Etyes Elefven Owlks Havce Eytes
Elrven Owos Hage Eyees Elreven Owols Hagve Eys Elerven Owlos Havge Eyse El4ven Owps Hafe Eyss El4even Owpls Hafve Eyses Ele4ven Owlps Havfe Eyess
Eldven Owlss Havee Ey3s Eldeven Owl Hav Ey3es

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