Circle Of Dust

Bone on bone flesh war on flesh

Mortal brothers strive against each others hatreds mesh

Thou shall not kill

Peace frozen still

Release your hate


Life expires blood cries from the earth

Innocent and guilty eyes behold our mortal curse

Fragile man our days are numbered few

Hand of peace or fist of hate the choice is up to me and you

"A car pulled up, and he hollered,
'You know me' and he has his hand like this,
so when I ducked like this here he shot.
.How many shots were fired?
Two, he shot the guy shot,
and I ran like back here He shot the guy shot? ..............."

"Don't make me use this! One step closer I'm warning ya!"

"God has hate, now I have hate!"

"Why do you kill?"

"Now you've done it!"

"You forced me to use it!"

"You want to live in this lousy world?"

"If I had my way, here's how I'd rule the universe.

I'd eliminate 'em, I mean cross 'em off!

Get rid of 'em, destroy 'em, decimate 'em!"

Mirror lyrics:

Get rid of 'em, destroy 'em, decimate 'em!"

I'd eliminate 'em, I mean cross 'em off!

"If I had my way, here's how I'd rule the universe.

"You want to live in this lousy world?"

"You forced me to use it!"

"Now you've done it!"

"Why do you kill?"

"God has hate, now I have hate!"

"Don't make me use this! One step closer I'm warning ya!"

and I ran like back here He shot the guy shot? ..............."
Two, he shot the guy shot,
.How many shots were fired?
so when I ducked like this here he shot.
'You know me' and he has his hand like this,
"A car pulled up, and he hollered,

Hand of peace or fist of hate the choice is up to me and you

Fragile man our days are numbered few

Innocent and guilty eyes behold our mortal curse

Life expires blood cries from the earth


Release your hate

Peace frozen still

Thou shall not kill

Mortal brothers strive against each others hatreds mesh

Bone on bone flesh war on flesh

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