Cindy Morgan
Reaching With His Love

(Oh yeah, oh yeah, ey-ey-hey)

Tell me brother, what's bothering you?
Speak up sister, is there something I can do?
Let me be a strong shoulder,
Lend a helping hand -
Let me show you Jesus and try to understand.


'Cause someone was there for me
Let me be here for you,
And we can work together,
And we can see it through


I need to be reaching with His love
No need to try on my own
It will never be enough
Oh, when it comes to healing
It starts with a gentle touch
I need to be reaching,
Reaching with His love

(Oh, Oo-hoo)

Someone is broken
Right there next to you - Oh!
Someone is fallen, what will you do?
Do you choose to show God's mercy,
Or cast a guilty stone?
All the words of healing,
And forgiveness like His own

Bridge / Chorus

(Oh yeah)
Yeah, 'cause it's up to me and you
We've got to stand for eachother
We've got to reach for eachother


Mirror lyrics:


We've got to reach for eachother
We've got to stand for eachother
Yeah, 'cause it's up to me and you
(Oh yeah)

Bridge / Chorus

And forgiveness like His own
All the words of healing,
Or cast a guilty stone?
Do you choose to show God's mercy,
Someone is fallen, what will you do?
Right there next to you - Oh!
Someone is broken

(Oh, Oo-hoo)

Reaching with His love
I need to be reaching,
It starts with a gentle touch
Oh, when it comes to healing
It will never be enough
No need to try on my own
I need to be reaching with His love


And we can see it through
And we can work together,
Let me be here for you,
'Cause someone was there for me


Let me show you Jesus and try to understand.
Lend a helping hand -
Let me be a strong shoulder,
Speak up sister, is there something I can do?
Tell me brother, what's bothering you?

(Oh yeah, oh yeah, ey-ey-hey)

Relevant Tags:
RReaching WWith HHis LLove eaching ith is ove eRaching iWth iHs oLve deaching aith jis kove dReaching aWith jHis kLove Rdeaching Waith Hjis Lkove
4eaching 3ith uis oove 4Reaching 3With uHis oLove R4eaching W3ith Huis Loove geaching dith nis pove gReaching dWith nHis pLove Rgeaching Wdith Hnis Lpove
teaching eith bis tReaching eWith bHis Lve Rteaching Weith Hbis Lvoe 5eaching sith gis Lkve 5Reaching sWith gHis R5eaching Wsith Hgis Lokve
feaching 2ith yis L9ve fReaching 2With yHis L9ove Rfeaching W2ith Hyis Lo9ve eeaching qith Hiis L0ve eReaching qWith Hs L0ove Reeaching Wqith Hsi Lo0ve
Wiith Hjs Llve Raching Wth Llove Raeching Wtih Hijs Lolve Rsaching Wjth H9s Live Rseaching Wjith H9is Liove Resaching Wijth Hi9s Loive
R3aching W9th Hls Lovve R3eaching W9ith Hlis Loe Re3aching Wi9th Hils Loev Rfaching Wlth Hos Lobe Wlith Hois Lobve Refaching Wilth Hios Lovbe
Rraching Woth Hks Loce Rreaching Woith Hkis Locve Reraching Wioth Hiks Lovce R4aching Wkth H8s Loge Wkith H8is Logve Re4aching Wikth Hi8s Lovge
Rdaching W8th Hus Lofe W8ith Lofve Redaching Wi8th Hius Lovfe Rwaching Wuth Hiss Lovee Rweaching Wuith Hi Lov Rewaching Wiuth His Love
Reaaching Witth Hiz Lovs Reching Wih Hizs Lovse Recahing Wiht Hisz Loves Rezching Wifh Hiw Lov3 Rezaching Wifth Hiws Lov3e Reazching Witfh Hisw Love3
Reqching Wi5h Hid Lovf Reqaching Wi5th Hids Reaqching Wit5h Hisd Lovef Resching Wihh Hie Lovr Wihth Hies Lovre Reasching Withh Hise Lover
Rewching Wiyh Hix Lov4 Wiyth Hixs Lov4e Reawching Wityh Hisx Love4 Rexching Wi6h Hia Lovd Rexaching Wi6th Hias Lovde Reaxching Wit6h Hisa Loved
Reacching Wigh Lovw Reahing Wigth Lovwe Reahcing Witgh Lovew Reafhing Wirh Reafching Wirth Reacfhing Witrh
Reaxhing Wit Reacxhing With

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