Cindy Morgan
How Could I Ask For More

There's nothing like the warmth of a summer afternoon
Waking to the sunlight, being cradled by the moon
Catching fireflies at night
Building castles in the sand
Kissing Mama's face goodnight
And holding Daddy's hand
Thank you Lord, how could I ask for more

Running barefoot through the grass
A little hide and go seek
Being so in love, that you can hardly eat
Dancing in the dark, when there's no one else around
Being bundled 'neath the covers, watching snow
Fall to the ground
Thank you Lord, how could I ask for more

So many things I thought would bring me happiness
Some dreams that are realities today
Such an irony of things that mean the most to me
Are the memories that I've made along the way

So if there's anything I've learned
From this journey I am on
Simple truce will keep you going
Simple love will keep you strong
Cause there are questions without answers
And flames that never die
And heartaches we go through are often blessings in disguise
So thank you Lord, How thank you Lord
How could I ask for more

Mirror lyrics:

How could I ask for more
So thank you Lord, How thank you Lord
And heartaches we go through are often blessings in disguise
And flames that never die
Cause there are questions without answers
Simple love will keep you strong
Simple truce will keep you going
From this journey I am on
So if there's anything I've learned

Are the memories that I've made along the way
Such an irony of things that mean the most to me
Some dreams that are realities today
So many things I thought would bring me happiness

Thank you Lord, how could I ask for more
Fall to the ground
Being bundled 'neath the covers, watching snow
Dancing in the dark, when there's no one else around
Being so in love, that you can hardly eat
A little hide and go seek
Running barefoot through the grass

Thank you Lord, how could I ask for more
And holding Daddy's hand
Kissing Mama's face goodnight
Building castles in the sand
Catching fireflies at night
Waking to the sunlight, being cradled by the moon
There's nothing like the warmth of a summer afternoon

Relevant Tags:
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Hkw C0uld Awk Fkr Mlre Hkow C0ould Fkor Mlore Hokw Co0uld Aswk Fokr Molre H9w Cluld Adk F9r Mire H9ow Clould Adsk F9or Miore Ho9w Coluld Asdk Fo9r Moire
H0w Ciuld Aek F0r Morre H0ow Ciould Aesk F0or Moe Ho0w Coiuld Asek Fo0r Moer Hlw Couuld Axk Flr Mode Hlow Cold Flor Modre Holw Colud Asxk Folr Morde
Hiw Cohld Aak Fir Mo4e Hiow Cohuld Aask Fior Mo4re Hoiw Couhld Asak Foir Mor4e Howw Co7ld Askk Forr Moge Ho Co7uld As Fo Mogre How Cou7ld Ask For Morge
Hoa Cokld Asl Fod Mote Hoaw Aslk Fodr Motre

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