Cindy Morgan
Good Thing

Bright good morning
See the sun is waiting there
To greet me with a sweet smile
New day dawning
All the colors dance and swirl
And burst into the springtime
All across the world
We live because You give life

Thank You for the life you've given me
And that you were always there to inspire me
Oh you fill me with Your light
You set me free
Wanna give You all my love
Cause Your love's such a good thing
Your love's a good thing

Rainy morning
When You send a melody
To dance upon the rooftop
Thunder rolling
And a flash that lights the night
We see You with new eyes
All across the world
We live because You give life

Thank You for the life you've given me
And that you were always there to inspire me
Oh you fill me with Your light
You set me free
Wanna give You all my love
Cause Your love's such a good thing
Your love's a good thing

And from heaven comes a flood
That covers all of us
You breathe new life
You breathe in us
In everything You do
And everywhere You move
You show us you are good

Mirror lyrics:

You show us you are good
And everywhere You move
In everything You do
You breathe in us
You breathe new life
That covers all of us
And from heaven comes a flood

Your love's a good thing
Cause Your love's such a good thing
Wanna give You all my love
You set me free
Oh you fill me with Your light
And that you were always there to inspire me
Thank You for the life you've given me

We live because You give life
All across the world
We see You with new eyes
And a flash that lights the night
Thunder rolling
To dance upon the rooftop
When You send a melody
Rainy morning

Your love's a good thing
Cause Your love's such a good thing
Wanna give You all my love
You set me free
Oh you fill me with Your light
And that you were always there to inspire me
Thank You for the life you've given me

We live because You give life
All across the world
And burst into the springtime
All the colors dance and swirl
New day dawning
To greet me with a sweet smile
See the sun is waiting there
Bright good morning

Relevant Tags:
GGood TThing ood hing oGod hTing hood fhing hGood fThing Ghood Tfhing yood 5hing yGood 5Thing Gyood T5hing bood hhing bGood hThing
Gbood Thhing vood yhing vGood yThing Gvood Tyhing food 6hing fGood 6Thing Gfood T6hing tood ghing tGood gThing Gtood Tghing Goood rhing
God rThing Good Trhing Gkod Gkood Ting Gokod Tihng G9od Tjing G9ood Tjhing Go9od Thjing G0od Tuing G0ood Tuhing Go0od Thuing
Glod Tning Glood Tnhing Golod Thning Giod Tbing Giood Tbhing Goiod Thbing Tging Godo Thging Gokd Tying Gookd Thying Go9d Thiing
Thng Goo9d Thnig Go0d Thjng

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