Don't Know What You Got (till It's Gone)

I can't tell ya baby what went wrong
I can't make you feel what you felt
So long ago, I let it show
I can't give you back what's been hurt
Heartaches come and go and all that's
left are the wounds, I can't let go
If we take some time to think it over baby
Take some time let me know
If you really wanna go

Don't know what you got till it's gone
Don't know what it is I did so wrong
Now I know all I've got
Is just this song
And it ain't easy to get back
Takes so long

I can't feel the things that cause you pain
I can't clear my heart of your love
It falls like rain, ain't the same
I hear you calling far away
Tearing through my soul I just can't
Take another day, Who's to blame
If we take some time to think it over baby
Take some time let me know
If you really wanna go

Don't know what you got till it's gone
Don't know what it is I did so wrong
Now I know all I've got
Is just this song
And it ain't easy to get back
Takes so long

Do you wanna see me beggin' baby
Can't you give me just one more day
Can't you see my heart's been draggin' lately
I've been lookin' for the words to say

Don't know what you got till it's gone
Don't know what it is I did so wrong
Now I know all I've got
Is just this song
And it ain't easy to get back
Takes so long

Mirror lyrics:

Takes so long
And it ain't easy to get back
Is just this song
Now I know all I've got
Don't know what it is I did so wrong
Don't know what you got till it's gone

I've been lookin' for the words to say
Can't you see my heart's been draggin' lately
Can't you give me just one more day
Do you wanna see me beggin' baby

Takes so long
And it ain't easy to get back
Is just this song
Now I know all I've got
Don't know what it is I did so wrong
Don't know what you got till it's gone

If you really wanna go
Take some time let me know
If we take some time to think it over baby
Take another day, Who's to blame
Tearing through my soul I just can't
I hear you calling far away
It falls like rain, ain't the same
I can't clear my heart of your love
I can't feel the things that cause you pain

Takes so long
And it ain't easy to get back
Is just this song
Now I know all I've got
Don't know what it is I did so wrong
Don't know what you got till it's gone

If you really wanna go
Take some time let me know
If we take some time to think it over baby
left are the wounds, I can't let go
Heartaches come and go and all that's
I can't give you back what's been hurt
So long ago, I let it show
I can't make you feel what you felt
I can't tell ya baby what went wrong

Relevant Tags:
DDon't KKnow WWhat YYou GGot ((till IIt's GGone) on't now hat ou ot till t's one) oDn't nKow hWat oYu oGt t(ill tI's oGne)
xon't lnow ahat gou hot (ttill jt's hone) xDon't lKnow aWhat gYou hGot (ill jIt's hGone) Dxon't Klnow Wahat Ygou Ghot (itll Ijt's Ghone)
eon't onow 3hat hou yot (fill 9t's yone) eDon't oKnow 3What hYou yGot (ftill 9It's yGone) Deon't Konow W3hat Yhou Gyot (tfill I9t's Gyone)
fon't mnow dhat 6ou bot (5ill lt's bone) fDon't mKnow dWhat 6You bGot (5till lIt's bGone) Dfon't Kmnow Wdhat Y6ou Gbot (t5ill Ilt's Gbone)
ron't jnow ehat uou vot (hill ot's vone) rDon't jKnow eWhat uYou vGot (htill oIt's vGone) Dron't Kjnow Wehat Yuou Gvot (thill Iot's Gvone)
con't inow shat 7ou fot (yill kt's fone) cDon't iKnow sWhat 7You fGot (ytill kIt's fGone) Dcon't Kinow Wshat Y7ou Gfot (tyill Ikt's Gfone)
son't Knnow 2hat jou tot (6ill 8t's tone) sDon't Kow 2What jYou tGot (6till 8It's tGone) Dson't Konw W2hat Yjou Gtot (t6ill I8t's Gtone)
Doon't Kmow qhat tou Goot (gill ut's Goone) Dn't qWhat tYou Gt (gtill uIt's Gne) Dno't Knmow Wqhat Ytou Gto (tgill Iut's Gnoe)
Dkn't Khow Whhat Yoou Gkt (rill Itt's Gkne) Dkon't Khnow Wat Yu Gkot (rtill I's Gkone) Dokn't Knhow Waht Yuo Gokt (trill I'ts Gokne)
D9n't Kjow Wjat Yku G9t (tiill If's G9ne) D9on't Wjhat Ykou G9ot (tll Ift's G9one) Do9n't Knjow Whjat Yoku Go9t (tlil Itf's Go9ne)
D0n't Kbow Wuat Y9u G0t (tjll I5's G0ne) D0on't Kbnow Wuhat Y9ou G0ot (tjill I5t's G0one) Do0n't Knbow Whuat Yo9u Go0t (tijll It5's Go0ne)
Dln't Knoow Wnat Y0u Glt (t9ll Ih's Glne) Dlon't Knw Wnhat Y0ou Glot (t9ill Iht's Glone) Doln't Knwo Whnat Yo0u Golt (ti9ll Ith's Golne)
Din't Knkw Wbat Ylu Git (tlll Iy's Gine) Dion't Knkow Wbhat Ylou Giot (tlill Iyt's Gione) Doin't Knokw Whbat Yolu Goit (tilll Ity's Goine)
Donn't Kn9w Wgat Yiu Gott (toll I6's Gonne) Do't Kn9ow Wghat Yiou Go (toill I6t's Goe) Do'nt Kno9w Whgat Yoiu Got (tioll It6's Goen)
Dom't Kn0w Wyat Youu Gof (tkll Ig's Gome) Domn't Kn0ow Wyhat Yo Goft (tkill Igt's Gomne)

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