Coming True

Must be a magic night
Cause I can se the stars
Falling in your eyes
Must be a magic night
Cause I can hear thunder
Each in every heart beat

I know it sounds crazy

But dreams are coming true
Standing here with you
Everytime you smile at me
Angels walk on through
I'm ready now to go
I'm ready now to follow my heart
Chanses are we're gonna make it through
If you belive it to
The dreams are coming true

Must be a magic night
Cause I can feel your love
Reaching to embrace me
And baby when you take my hand
I understand this love is all or nothing
This love is here now

I know it sounds crazy

But dreams are coming true
Standing here with you
Everytime you smile at me
Angels walk on through
I'm ready now to go
I'm ready now to follow my heart
Follow my heart

I was lost and gone forever
'til I found myself tonight
Back into the light
Cause I never stoped beliveing

Dreams are coming true
Oooohh Uuuuuuuhh
Yeah yeah baby baby yeah
But dreams are coming true
Standing here with you
Everytime you smile at me
Angels walk on through
I'm ready now to go
I'm ready now to follow my heart
Chanses are we're are gonna make it through
If you belive it to
The dreams are coming true
Yeah ooooh

As I'm standing here tonight with you

Mirror lyrics:

As I'm standing here tonight with you

Yeah ooooh
The dreams are coming true
If you belive it to
Chanses are we're are gonna make it through
I'm ready now to follow my heart
I'm ready now to go
Angels walk on through
Everytime you smile at me
Standing here with you
But dreams are coming true
Yeah yeah baby baby yeah
Oooohh Uuuuuuuhh
Dreams are coming true

Cause I never stoped beliveing
Back into the light
'til I found myself tonight
I was lost and gone forever

Follow my heart
I'm ready now to follow my heart
I'm ready now to go
Angels walk on through
Everytime you smile at me
Standing here with you
But dreams are coming true

I know it sounds crazy

This love is here now
I understand this love is all or nothing
And baby when you take my hand
Reaching to embrace me
Cause I can feel your love
Must be a magic night

The dreams are coming true
If you belive it to
Chanses are we're gonna make it through
I'm ready now to follow my heart
I'm ready now to go
Angels walk on through
Everytime you smile at me
Standing here with you
But dreams are coming true

I know it sounds crazy

Each in every heart beat
Cause I can hear thunder
Must be a magic night
Falling in your eyes
Cause I can se the stars
Must be a magic night

Relevant Tags:
CComing TTrue oming rue oCming rTue foming frue fComing fTrue Cfoming Tfrue xoming 5rue xComing 5True Cxoming T5rue voming hrue
vComing hTrue Cvoming Thrue doming yrue dComing yTrue Cdoming Tyrue Cooming 6rue Cming 6True Cmoing T6rue Ckming grue Ckoming gTrue
Cokming Tgrue C9ming rrue C9oming rTrue Co9ming Trrue C0ming C0oming Tue Co0ming Ture Clming Tdue Cloming Tdrue Colming Trdue
Ciming T4ue Cioming T4rue Coiming Tr4ue Comming Tgue Coing Coimng Trgue Cojing Ttue Cojming Ttrue Comjing Trtue Coking T5ue
Comking Tr5ue Coning Tfue Conming Comning Trfue Comiing Teue Comng Terue Comnig Treue Comjng Truue Tre

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