Daphne Loves Derby
Pollen And Salt

You've left me with such a silent world,
The evenings are calm, but I'm restless
And my breath has become as thin as the wind.

Not even the mighty sky could fill the space you left behind
Not even when it rains.
No, nothing takes your place
Your emptiness too great to fill.

I have been holding my breath,
For too many nights in a row,
And somewhere on coastlines unknown to me
You paint your dreams,
With reds and blues and greens.
Yea you're painting daffodils by the sea,
Without me.

Today in a breeze I sensed your perfume
But you were nowhere near.
And in reverie,
I felt you holding me.
And even in my dreams I shake from the fear
That you've been swept away
By the rhythm of the waves that whisper in your ears.

I have been holding my breath,
For too many nights in a row,
And somewhere on coastlines unknown to me
You paint your dreams,
With reds and blues and greens.
Yea you're painting daffodils by the sea,
Without me.

I would give away
My sweetest memories,
If I could just be with you again.
Be with you again.

I have been holding my breath,
For too many nights in a row,
And somewhere on coastlines unknown to me
You paint your dreams,
With reds and blues and greens.
Yea you're painting daffodils growing by the sea,
Without me.

Last night I dreamt you were with me,
Finally I could breathe.

Mirror lyrics:

Finally I could breathe.
Last night I dreamt you were with me,

Without me.
Yea you're painting daffodils growing by the sea,
With reds and blues and greens.
You paint your dreams,
And somewhere on coastlines unknown to me
For too many nights in a row,
I have been holding my breath,

Be with you again.
If I could just be with you again.
My sweetest memories,
I would give away

Without me.
Yea you're painting daffodils by the sea,
With reds and blues and greens.
You paint your dreams,
And somewhere on coastlines unknown to me
For too many nights in a row,
I have been holding my breath,

By the rhythm of the waves that whisper in your ears.
That you've been swept away
And even in my dreams I shake from the fear
I felt you holding me.
And in reverie,
But you were nowhere near.
Today in a breeze I sensed your perfume

Without me.
Yea you're painting daffodils by the sea,
With reds and blues and greens.
You paint your dreams,
And somewhere on coastlines unknown to me
For too many nights in a row,
I have been holding my breath,

Your emptiness too great to fill.
No, nothing takes your place
Not even when it rains.
Not even the mighty sky could fill the space you left behind

And my breath has become as thin as the wind.
The evenings are calm, but I'm restless
You've left me with such a silent world,

Relevant Tags:
PPollen AAnd SSalt ollen nd alt oPllen nAd aSlt 0ollen znd zalt 0Pollen zAnd zSalt P0ollen Aznd Szalt lollen qnd walt
lPollen qAnd wSalt Plollen Aqnd Swalt oollen snd dalt oPollen sAnd dSalt Poollen Asnd Sdalt wnd ealt Pllen wAnd eSalt
Plolen Awnd Sealt Pkllen xnd xalt Pkollen xAnd xSalt Pokllen Axnd Sxalt P9llen Annd aalt P9ollen Ad aSalt Po9llen Adn Saalt
P0llen Amd Amnd Slt Po0llen Anmd Slat Plllen Ahd Szlt Ahnd Polllen Anhd Sazlt Pillen Ajd Sqlt
Piollen Ajnd Sqalt Poillen Anjd Saqlt Abd Sslt Polen Abnd Ssalt Pollen Anbd Saslt Poklen Andd Swlt An
Polklen And Sawlt Poolen Anx Sxlt Anxd Pololen Andx Saxlt Poplen Ane Sallt Popllen Aned Sat

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