Dark Tranquility
The New Build

A human force, stronger than logic

Beyond the focus and the grander ideas

One microcosmos in this wretched piece of hell

Distant memories of what empathy we felt

No revolution

No revolution in what they must overthrow

In on a secret we all know

The need that is our enemy

I don't ever want to see you

Doing all the same things as me

Don't ever let this be you

Knowing what it is that drives me

It's all in the future

What said with one foot in the grave

It's all in the plan

Of what we never could achieve

No satisfaction

No satisfaction, we excuse ourselves from progress

By post-altering our motives

What stories set to match

Whatever beat that drives the impulse

Whatever tune that carries through

What's in a soul that rattles empty

In this one reality too few

Our reach is never wider

Than the depth of what we grasp

A vicious curse on all that we per take inside

The conflict where no one is the wiser, the wiser

A space invaded

A face invaded

My space invaded

My space invaded

Selfish doesn't begin to cover

The sense in this utopia of one

To escape the argument

To put another filter on

I don't ever want to see you

Doing all the same things as me

Don't ever let this be you

Knowing what it is that drives me

Mirror lyrics:

Knowing what it is that drives me

Don't ever let this be you

Doing all the same things as me

I don't ever want to see you

To put another filter on

To escape the argument

The sense in this utopia of one

Selfish doesn't begin to cover

My space invaded

My space invaded

A face invaded

A space invaded

The conflict where no one is the wiser, the wiser

A vicious curse on all that we per take inside

Than the depth of what we grasp

Our reach is never wider

In this one reality too few

What's in a soul that rattles empty

Whatever tune that carries through

Whatever beat that drives the impulse

What stories set to match

By post-altering our motives

No satisfaction, we excuse ourselves from progress

No satisfaction

Of what we never could achieve

It's all in the plan

What said with one foot in the grave

It's all in the future

Knowing what it is that drives me

Don't ever let this be you

Doing all the same things as me

I don't ever want to see you

The need that is our enemy

In on a secret we all know

No revolution in what they must overthrow

No revolution

Distant memories of what empathy we felt

One microcosmos in this wretched piece of hell

Beyond the focus and the grander ideas

A human force, stronger than logic

Relevant Tags:
TThe NNew BBuild he ew uild hTe eNw uBild fhe mew vuild fThe mNew vBuild Tfhe Nmew Bvuild 5he hew guild 5The hNew gBuild T5he Nhew Bguild
hhe jew nuild hThe jNew nBuild Thhe Njew Bnuild yhe bew huild yThe bNew hBuild Tyhe Nbew Bhuild 6he Neew Buuild 6The Nw Bild T6he Nwe Biuld
ghe Nsw Bhild gThe Nsew Tghe Nesw Buhild rhe N3w B7ild rThe N3ew B7uild Trhe Ne3w Bu7ild Nfw Bkild Te Nfew Bkuild Teh Nefw Bukild
Tje Nrw Biild Tjhe Nrew Biuild Thje Nerw Buiild Tue N4w B8ild Tuhe N4ew B8uild Thue Ne4w Bu8ild Tne Ndw Bjild Tnhe Ndew Bjuild Thne Nedw Bujild
Tbe Nww Byild Tbhe Nwew Byuild Thbe Neww Buyild Tge Ne Buld Thge New Bulid Tye Nea Bujld Neaw

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