Dark Tranquility
The Grandest Accusation

What if you are an island of sorrow?

Then I'll be the raging sea

What if you are the region's dreams?

Then I'll be the storm, all where fire rages

Then you are loneliness

Your name on the door

Just like a diagnose

For a venomous disease

Man is the cemetery for plundered life

All for none, the grand accusation

Your faced with your name

Word and shield

Your massacres

Man is the cemetery for plundered life

All for none, the grand accusation

You chose rejection over thoughts of incite

You take action from focus on intents

Brace for impact

Now wait here for the fall

What cries here, cries inside

Man is the cemetery of plundered life

The grand accusation

What if you were a country of grief

And me, the invading force

What if you were to measure the hollow

That captivates and devours you?

Then you are loneliness

Your name on the door

Just like a diagnose

For a venomous disease

Man is the cemetery for plundered life

All for what?

Mirror lyrics:

All for what?

Man is the cemetery for plundered life

For a venomous disease

Just like a diagnose

Your name on the door

Then you are loneliness

That captivates and devours you?

What if you were to measure the hollow

And me, the invading force

What if you were a country of grief

The grand accusation

Man is the cemetery of plundered life

What cries here, cries inside

Now wait here for the fall

Brace for impact

You take action from focus on intents

You chose rejection over thoughts of incite

All for none, the grand accusation

Man is the cemetery for plundered life

Your massacres

Word and shield

Your faced with your name

All for none, the grand accusation

Man is the cemetery for plundered life

For a venomous disease

Just like a diagnose

Your name on the door

Then you are loneliness

Then I'll be the storm, all where fire rages

What if you are the region's dreams?

Then I'll be the raging sea

What if you are an island of sorrow?

Relevant Tags:
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5he yrandest qccusation 5The yGrandest qAccusation T5he Gyrandest Aqccusation hhe brandest sccusation hThe bGrandest sAccusation Thhe Gbrandest Asccusation
yhe vrandest wccusation yThe vGrandest wAccusation Tyhe Gvrandest Awccusation 6he frandest xccusation 6The fGrandest xAccusation T6he Gfrandest Axccusation
ghe trandest Acccusation gThe tGrandest Acusation Tghe Gtrandest Accusation rhe Grrandest Afcusation rThe Gandest Afccusation Trhe Garndest Acfcusation
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Th4e Grxandest Acciusation The4 Graxndest Accuisation Thd Granndest Acc8sation Thde Gradest Acc8usation Thed Gradnest Accu8sation Thw Gramdest Accjsation
Thwe Gramndest Accjusation Thew Granmdest Accujsation Grahdest Accysation Grahndest Accyusation Granhdest Accuysation Grajdest Accussation
Grajndest Accuation Granjdest Accuastion Grabdest Accuzation Grabndest Accuzsation Granbdest Accuszation Granddest Accuwation
Granest Accuwsation Granedst Accuswation Granxest Accudation Granxdest Accudsation Grandxest Accusdation Graneest Accueation
Granedest Accuesation Grandeest Accuseation

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