Dark Moor
In The Heart Of Stone

You don't lie, you don't fight
Don't plead for seeing the light
you don't gaze the mean face
don't try to pray

just to save your illusions
to save your shame
now your life is impregnated of blame

please help me, of kill me
but don't bury my soul
i'm dreaming, i'm screaming
full of grief
i'll be condemned without mercy
without a song
buy i've a nice hope

The wind in my hair
the sun under my veil
i'll go though
the road is hard and long
thousand of questions
and only one answer
My anger is in the heart of stone

I'm sneaking, I'm Creeping
i'm needing all my faith

I'm sinning i'm learning
full of grief
i'll be condemned without mercy
without a song
buy i've a nice hope


Don't hit me, don't stave me
What is my destiny?
I'm sighing, i'm crying
full of grief
i'll be condemned without mercy
without a song
buy i've a nice hope


Mirror lyrics:


buy i've a nice hope
without a song
i'll be condemned without mercy
full of grief
I'm sighing, i'm crying
What is my destiny?
Don't hit me, don't stave me


buy i've a nice hope
without a song
i'll be condemned without mercy
full of grief
I'm sinning i'm learning

i'm needing all my faith
I'm sneaking, I'm Creeping

My anger is in the heart of stone
and only one answer
thousand of questions
the road is hard and long
i'll go though
the sun under my veil
The wind in my hair

buy i've a nice hope
without a song
i'll be condemned without mercy
full of grief
i'm dreaming, i'm screaming
but don't bury my soul
please help me, of kill me

now your life is impregnated of blame
to save your shame
just to save your illusions

don't try to pray
you don't gaze the mean face
Don't plead for seeing the light
You don't lie, you don't fight

Relevant Tags:
IIn TThe HHeart OOf SStone n he eart f tone nI hTe eHart fO tSone jn fhe jeart kf ztone jIn fThe jHeart kOf zStone Ijn Tfhe Hjeart Okf Sztone
9n 5he ueart 9f wtone 9In 5The uHeart 9Of wStone I9n T5he Hueart O9f Swtone ln hhe neart 0f dtone lIn hThe nHeart 0Of dStone Iln Thhe Hneart O0f Sdtone
on yhe beart lf etone oIn yThe bHeart lOf eStone Ion Tyhe Hbeart Olf Setone kn 6he geart if xtone kIn 6The gHeart iOf xStone Ikn T6he Hgeart Oif Sxtone
8n ghe yeart Off atone 8In gThe yHeart O aStone I8n Tghe Hyeart Of Satone un rhe Heeart Oc Sttone uIn rThe Hart Ocf Sone Iun Trhe Haert Ofc Sotne
Inn Hsart Or Sfone I Te Hseart Orf Sftone In Teh Hesart Ofr Stfone Im Tje H3art Og S5one Imn Tjhe H3eart Ogf S5tone Inm Thje He3art Ofg St5one
Ih Tue Hfart Ot Shone Ihn Tuhe Hfeart Otf Shtone Inh Thue Hefart Oft Sthone Ij Tne Hrart Ov Syone Tnhe Hreart Ovf Sytone Inj Thne Herart Ofv Styone
Ib Tbe H4art Od S6one Ibn Tbhe H4eart Odf S6tone Inb Thbe He4art Ofd St6one Tge Hdart Sgone Hdeart Sgtone Thge Hedart Stgone
Tye Hwart Srone Hweart Srtone Thye Hewart Strone Thee Heaart Stoone Th Hert Stne The Herat Stnoe
Ths Hezrt Stkne Thse Hezart Stkone Thes Heazrt Stokne Th3 Heqrt St9ne

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