Darkest Hour
The Last Dance Massacre

A sudden gasp for air
One false move
A blank stare is waiting for you
Try to piece it together
But you haven't a clue
A blank stare is waiting for you
It sends an impulse out
Desperately searching
Feeding off remains of it all
Another burning bridge
Another casualty paid in full
Just let it crumble down
And put to memory
Remains of the wasted years
It wouldn't be the first time
It's all come crashing down
The awful truth is finally out
It's worse than you thought
Feeding off remains of wasted years

Mirror lyrics:

Feeding off remains of wasted years
It's worse than you thought
The awful truth is finally out
It's all come crashing down
It wouldn't be the first time
Remains of the wasted years
And put to memory
Just let it crumble down
Another casualty paid in full
Another burning bridge
Feeding off remains of it all
Desperately searching
It sends an impulse out
A blank stare is waiting for you
But you haven't a clue
Try to piece it together
A blank stare is waiting for you
One false move
A sudden gasp for air

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLast DDance MMassacre he ast ance assacre hTe aLst aDnce aMssacre fhe kast xance jassacre fThe kLast xDance jMassacre Tfhe Lkast Dxance Mjassacre
5he oast eance kassacre 5The oLast eDance kMassacre T5he Loast Deance Mkassacre hhe past fance nassacre hThe pLast fDance nMassacre Thhe Lpast Dfance Mnassacre
yhe Laast rance Maassacre yThe Lst rDance Mssacre Tyhe Lsat Drance Msasacre 6he Lzst cance Mzssacre 6The Lzast cDance Mzassacre T6he Lazst Dcance Mazssacre
ghe Lqst sance Mqssacre gThe Lqast sDance Mqassacre Tghe Laqst Dsance Maqssacre rhe Lsst Daance Msssacre rThe Lsast Dnce Msassacre Trhe Lasst Dnace Masssacre
Lwst Dznce Mwssacre Te Lwast Dzance Mwassacre Teh Lawst Daznce Mawssacre Tje Lxst Dqnce Mxssacre Tjhe Lxast Dqance Mxassacre Thje Laxst Daqnce Maxssacre
Tue Dsnce Tuhe Lat Masacre Thue Lats Dasnce Massacre Tne Lazt Dwnce Mazsacre Tnhe Dwance Thne Laszt Dawnce Maszsacre
Tbe Lawt Dxnce Mawsacre Tbhe Thbe Laswt Daxnce Maswsacre Tge Ladt Dannce Madsacre Ladst Dace Madssacre Thge Lasdt Dacne Masdsacre
Tye Laet Damce Maesacre Laest Damnce Maessacre Thye Laset Danmce Masesacre Thee Laxt Dahce Maxsacre Th Dahnce The Lasxt Danhce Masxsacre
Ths Laat Dajce Maasacre Thse Dajnce Thes Lasat Danjce Masasacre Th3 Lastt Dabce Th3e Las Dabnce The3 Last Danbce Masascre
Thf Lasf Dancce Maszacre Thfe Lasft Dane Thef Lastf Danec Masszacre Thr Las5 Danfe Maswacre Thre Las5t Danfce Ther Last5 Dancfe Masswacre
Th4 Lash Danxe Masdacre Th4e Lasht Danxce The4 Lasth Dancxe Massdacre

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