Dark Tranquillity
The Dividing Line

Dance the dividing line

We shall burn the earth
We shall burn our lives

For the tallest tree shall battle most
The wind it leaves the week behind
The storm that you've denied me
Shall force your world to fall
Your castles made to tremble
With foundations based upon a lie

The storm that you've denied me
Sweep the undivided truth
His mind shall not of thoughts be tempted
Nor words can heal his bleeding scars

We must burn our minds

Colours collide with the world of his beliefs
Bring back the storm of distant years
Tumbling, trembling as there is no waking up
There is no dividing line as logic now fails

Stream upwards, rage against them all
Speak of words hidden in your song
Mere mortals strive for length in numbers
There is no dividing line

As the writer defies the empty page
The empty mind its feed shall seek

Pass on to the frail and mindless
Now what sanity discards

The storm shall sweep the weak of heart
And tear your castles down
Crush the very foundations
On which your faith is based
Torn across the dividing line

Mirror lyrics:

Torn across the dividing line
On which your faith is based
Crush the very foundations
And tear your castles down
The storm shall sweep the weak of heart

Now what sanity discards
Pass on to the frail and mindless

The empty mind its feed shall seek
As the writer defies the empty page

There is no dividing line
Mere mortals strive for length in numbers
Speak of words hidden in your song
Stream upwards, rage against them all

There is no dividing line as logic now fails
Tumbling, trembling as there is no waking up
Bring back the storm of distant years
Colours collide with the world of his beliefs

We must burn our minds

Nor words can heal his bleeding scars
His mind shall not of thoughts be tempted
Sweep the undivided truth
The storm that you've denied me

With foundations based upon a lie
Your castles made to tremble
Shall force your world to fall
The storm that you've denied me
The wind it leaves the week behind
For the tallest tree shall battle most

We shall burn our lives
We shall burn the earth

Dance the dividing line

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDividing LLine he ividing ine hTe iDviding iLne fhe xividing kine fThe xDividing kLine Tfhe Dxividing Lkine
5he eividing oine 5The eDividing oLine T5he Deividing Loine hhe fividing pine hThe fDividing pLine Thhe Dfividing Lpine
yhe rividing Liine yThe rDividing Lne Tyhe Drividing Lnie 6he cividing Ljne 6The cDividing Ljine T6he Dcividing Lijne
ghe sividing L9ne gThe sDividing L9ine Tghe Dsividing Li9ne rhe Diividing Llne rThe Dviding Lline Trhe Dviiding Lilne
Djviding Lone Te Djividing Teh Dijviding Lione Tje D9viding Lkne Tjhe D9ividing Thje Di9viding Likne
Tue Dlviding L8ne Tuhe Dlividing L8ine Thue Dilviding Li8ne Tne Doviding Lune Tnhe Doividing Luine Thne Dioviding Liune
Tbe Dkviding Linne Tbhe Dkividing Lie Thbe Dikviding Lien Tge D8viding Lime D8ividing Limne Thge Di8viding Linme
Tye Duviding Lihe Duividing Lihne Thye Diuviding Linhe Thee Divviding Lije Th Diiding The Diivding Linje
Ths Dibiding Libe Thse Dibviding Libne Thes Divbiding Linbe Th3 Diciding Linee Th3e Dicviding Lin The3 Divciding Line
Thf Digiding Lins Thfe Digviding Linse Thef Divgiding Lines Thr Difiding Lin3 Thre Difviding Lin3e Ther Divfiding Line3
Th4 Diviiding Linf Th4e Divding Linfe The4 Divdiing Linef Thd Divjding Linr Thde Divjiding Linre Thed Divijding Liner
Thw Div9ding Lin4 Thwe Div9iding Lin4e Thew Divi9ding Line4 Divlding Lind Divliding Linde Divilding Lined
Divoding Linw Divoiding Linwe Divioding Linew Divkding Divkiding Divikding
Div8ding Div8iding Divi8ding

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