Dark Tranquillity
The Endless Feed

You try to hide
The fact hidden from yourself
Your own Favorite entertainer
Is none other than
The one we call you
And you need the others
To fortify your disgust
For the worst of us
The the rest of us

Entertain the thought that we are still alive
Entertain the notion of impending doom
Entertain our worst suspicions and our fears
just pull us in and take us down

I hear a mighty cheer
Your faith could not be any stronger
In your head the stage is set
A product of what we're being fed
Oblivious by design not susceptible to any mind

Entertain the thought that we are still alive
Entertain the notion of impending doom
Entertain our worst suspicions and our fears
Just pull us in and take us down

I can take what's being given
I can down whatever comes
I will do what you deem necessary

My fear compels me
My fear compels me
No more fictious needs
I will not be made a mockery
No more chaos seed
I am not what you're supposed to see
Without a sense of danger everything is lost
In the name of entertainment we're all doomed

Entertain the thought that we are still alive
Entertain the notion of impending doom
Entertain our worst suspicions and our fears
Just pull us in and take us down

Mirror lyrics:

Just pull us in and take us down
Entertain our worst suspicions and our fears
Entertain the notion of impending doom
Entertain the thought that we are still alive

In the name of entertainment we're all doomed
Without a sense of danger everything is lost
I am not what you're supposed to see
No more chaos seed
I will not be made a mockery
No more fictious needs
My fear compels me
My fear compels me

I will do what you deem necessary
I can down whatever comes
I can take what's being given

Just pull us in and take us down
Entertain our worst suspicions and our fears
Entertain the notion of impending doom
Entertain the thought that we are still alive

Oblivious by design not susceptible to any mind
A product of what we're being fed
In your head the stage is set
Your faith could not be any stronger
I hear a mighty cheer

just pull us in and take us down
Entertain our worst suspicions and our fears
Entertain the notion of impending doom
Entertain the thought that we are still alive

The the rest of us
For the worst of us
To fortify your disgust
And you need the others
The one we call you
Is none other than
Your own Favorite entertainer
The fact hidden from yourself
You try to hide

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEndless FFeed he ndless eed hTe nEdless eFed fhe sndless ceed fThe sEndless cFeed Tfhe Esndless Fceed 5he 3ndless reed
5The 3Endless rFeed T5he E3ndless Freed hhe fndless geed hThe fEndless gFeed Thhe Efndless Fgeed yhe rndless teed yThe rEndless tFeed
Tyhe Erndless Fteed 6he 4ndless veed 6The 4Endless vFeed T6he E4ndless Fveed ghe dndless deed gThe dEndless dFeed Tghe Edndless Fdeed
rhe wndless Feeed rThe wEndless Fed Trhe Ewndless Feed Enndless Fsed Te Edless Fseed Teh Ednless Fesed Tje Emdless F3ed
Tjhe Emndless F3eed Thje Enmdless Fe3ed Tue Ehdless Ffed Tuhe Ehndless Ffeed Thue Enhdless Fefed Tne Ejdless Fred Tnhe Ejndless
Thne Enjdless Fered Tbe Ebdless F4ed Tbhe Ebndless F4eed Thbe Enbdless Fe4ed Tge Enddless Fded Enless Thge Enldess Feded
Tye Enxless Fwed Enxdless Fweed Thye Endxless Fewed Thee Eneless Th Enedless The Endeless Fede Ths Enfless Fesd
Thse Enfdless Thes Endfless Feesd Th3 Enrless Fe3d Th3e Enrdless The3 Endrless Fee3d Thf Encless Fefd Thfe Encdless
Thef Endcless Feefd Thr Ensless Ferd Thre Ensdless Ther Endsless Feerd Th4 Endlless Fe4d Th4e Endess The4 Endelss Fee4d

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