Cibo Matto
Sugar Water

The velocity of time turns her voice into sugar water

I'm on a concrete wave
The wind is blowing to the north northwest
It smells like sands of the southern island

When a black cat crosses my path
A woman in the moon is singing to the earth
A woman in the moon is singing to the earth

La La La... La-La-La-La-La-La (x4)

I'm riding on a camel that has big eyes
The buildings are changing into coconut trees
Little by little

When a black cat crosses my path
A woman in the moon is singing to the earth
A woman in the moon is singing to the earth

La La La... La-La-La-La-La-La (x4)

We are taking sugar water shower, shower

Mirror lyrics:

We are taking sugar water shower, shower

La La La... La-La-La-La-La-La (x4)

A woman in the moon is singing to the earth
A woman in the moon is singing to the earth
When a black cat crosses my path

Little by little
The buildings are changing into coconut trees
I'm riding on a camel that has big eyes

La La La... La-La-La-La-La-La (x4)

A woman in the moon is singing to the earth
A woman in the moon is singing to the earth
When a black cat crosses my path

It smells like sands of the southern island
The wind is blowing to the north northwest
I'm on a concrete wave

The velocity of time turns her voice into sugar water

Relevant Tags:
SSugar WWater ugar ater uSgar aWter zugar aater zSugar aWater Szugar Waater wugar 3ater wSugar 3Water Swugar W3ater dugar dater
dSugar dWater Sdugar Wdater eugar eater eSugar eWater Seugar Weater xugar sater xSugar sWater Sxugar Wsater augar 2ater aSugar 2Water
Saugar W2ater Suugar qater Sgar qWater Sguar Wqater Shgar Shugar Wter Suhgar Wtaer S7gar Wzter S7ugar Wzater Su7gar Wazter
Skgar Wqter Skugar Sukgar Waqter Sigar Wster Siugar Suigar Waster S8gar Wwter S8ugar Wwater Su8gar Wawter Sjgar Wxter
Sjugar Wxater Sujgar Waxter Sygar Watter Syugar Waer Suygar Waetr Suggar Wafer Suar Wafter Suagr Watfer Suhar Wa5er Wa5ter
Sughar Wat5er Suyar Waher Wahter

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