Walking The Penine Way

It's not so much the distance nor the time it takes
It's not even the cold nor the pains or aches
I can cope with blisters and the weight of my pack
And I don't mind the rain if I've got my mac
But have I cursed Wainwright in my time
To be fair, he said it's all muck and slime
The creeping sludge, the never-ending peat
It were that that nearly finished me, it nearly had me beat
Peat bogs, peat bogs, more peat bogs
You'd never credit it--they burn the stuff instead of logs
Peat bogs, peat bogs, more peat bogs
Well it's such a funny stuff is peat, it's nature's own glue
It got to me, it did, and by the end of day, too
I thought, I'm only carrying on so that I can say

If I've done nothing else, I've walked the Penine way
But I did it seven years ago, so why do it again?
Well I don't really know, and I didn't know then
Unless it's this that's been nagging at my noggin
Peat bogs and me have got this love/hate thing
Peat bogs, peat bogs, more peat bogs
You'd never credit it--they burn the stuff instead of logs
Peat bogs, peat bogs, more peat bogs

Mirror lyrics:

Peat bogs, peat bogs, more peat bogs
You'd never credit it--they burn the stuff instead of logs
Peat bogs, peat bogs, more peat bogs
Peat bogs and me have got this love/hate thing
Unless it's this that's been nagging at my noggin
Well I don't really know, and I didn't know then
But I did it seven years ago, so why do it again?
If I've done nothing else, I've walked the Penine way

I thought, I'm only carrying on so that I can say
It got to me, it did, and by the end of day, too
Well it's such a funny stuff is peat, it's nature's own glue
Peat bogs, peat bogs, more peat bogs
You'd never credit it--they burn the stuff instead of logs
Peat bogs, peat bogs, more peat bogs
It were that that nearly finished me, it nearly had me beat
The creeping sludge, the never-ending peat
To be fair, he said it's all muck and slime
But have I cursed Wainwright in my time
And I don't mind the rain if I've got my mac
I can cope with blisters and the weight of my pack
It's not even the cold nor the pains or aches
It's not so much the distance nor the time it takes

Relevant Tags:
WWalking TThe PPenine WWay alking he enine ay aWlking hTe ePnine aWy aalking fhe 0enine aay aWalking fThe 0Penine aWay Waalking Tfhe P0enine Waay
3alking 5he lenine 3ay 3Walking 5The lPenine 3Way W3alking T5he Plenine W3ay dalking hhe oenine day dWalking hThe oPenine dWay Wdalking Thhe Poenine Wday
ealking yhe Peenine eay eWalking yThe Pnine eWay Wealking Tyhe Pneine Weay salking 6he Psnine say sWalking 6The Psenine sWay Wsalking T6he Pesnine Wsay
2alking ghe P3nine 2ay 2Walking gThe P3enine 2Way W2alking Tghe Pe3nine W2ay qalking rhe Pfnine qay qWalking rThe Pfenine qWay Wqalking Trhe Pefnine Wqay
Prnine Wlking Te Prenine Wy Wlaking Teh Pernine Wya Wzlking Tje P4nine Wzy Wzalking Tjhe P4enine Wzay Wazlking Thje Pe4nine Wazy
Wqlking Tue Pdnine Wqy Tuhe Pdenine Waqlking Thue Pednine Waqy Wslking Tne Pwnine Wsy Tnhe Pwenine Waslking Thne Pewnine Wasy
Wwlking Tbe Pennine Wwy Wwalking Tbhe Peine Wway Wawlking Thbe Peinne Wawy Wxlking Tge Pemine Wxy Wxalking Pemnine Wxay Waxlking Thge Penmine Waxy
Wallking Tye Pehine Wayy Waking Pehnine Wa Wakling Thye Penhine Way Wakking Thee Pejine Wag Waklking Th Pejnine Wagy Walkking The Penjine Wayg
Waoking Ths Pebine Wah Waolking Thse Pebnine Wahy Waloking Thes Penbine Wayh Wapking Th3 Peniine Wa6 Waplking Th3e Penne Wa6y Walpking The3 Pennie Way6
Thf Penjne Wau Waling Thfe Wauy Walikng Thef Penijne Wayu Walling Thr Pen9ne Wa7 Thre Pen9ine Wa7y

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