She'z N Control

She's in control, she holds my soul
That wicked woman's got me by the balls
Nowhere to run, nowhere to go
Her love has got me at her beck and call

She's in control, she holds my soul
That wicked woman's acting out of line
She wants to fight, argues all the time
I try to run but there's nowhere to hide

I feel she takes me on a merry-go-round
When she's nice to me in front of her friends
But when they're gone and there's no one around
That's exactly when the madness begins
[Repeat twice]

Mirror lyrics:

[Repeat twice]
That's exactly when the madness begins
But when they're gone and there's no one around
When she's nice to me in front of her friends
I feel she takes me on a merry-go-round

I try to run but there's nowhere to hide
She wants to fight, argues all the time
That wicked woman's acting out of line
She's in control, she holds my soul

Her love has got me at her beck and call
Nowhere to run, nowhere to go
That wicked woman's got me by the balls
She's in control, she holds my soul

Relevant Tags:
SShe'z NN CControl he'z ontrol hSe'z N oCntrol zhe'z m fontrol zShe'z mN fControl Szhe'z Nm Cfontrol whe'z h xontrol
wShe'z hN xControl Swhe'z Nh Cxontrol dhe'z j vontrol dShe'z jN vControl Sdhe'z Nj Cvontrol ehe'z b dontrol eShe'z bN dControl
Sehe'z Nb Cdontrol xhe'z Coontrol xShe'z Cntrol Sxhe'z Cnotrol ahe'z Ckntrol aShe'z Ckontrol Sahe'z Cokntrol
Shhe'z C9ntrol Se'z C9ontrol Seh'z Co9ntrol Sje'z C0ntrol Sjhe'z C0ontrol Shje'z Co0ntrol Sue'z Clntrol
Suhe'z Clontrol Shue'z Colntrol Sne'z Cintrol Snhe'z Ciontrol Shne'z Cointrol Sbe'z Conntrol Sbhe'z Cotrol
Shbe'z Cotnrol Sge'z Comtrol Sghe'z Comntrol Shge'z Conmtrol Sye'z Cohtrol Syhe'z Cohntrol Shye'z Conhtrol
Shee'z Cojtrol Sh'z Cojntrol Sh'ez Conjtrol Shs'z Cobtrol Shse'z Cobntrol Shes'z Conbtrol Sh3'z Conttrol
Sh3e'z Conrol She3'z Conrtol Shf'z Confrol Shfe'z Conftrol Shef'z Contfrol Shr'z Con5rol Shre'z Con5trol
Sher'z Cont5rol Sh4'z Conhrol Sh4e'z

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