Christy Carlson Romano
Just A Song

So when my voice breaks
Its called interoperation
When I hold a note
Its cause I want to
Not cause I feel anything about you
So don't flatter yourself thinking that I love you
Make you emotional
From a jerk to the minor
When I lose control
I'm not trying to impress you
Break it down and I get your attention
But its just formula don't need your validation

This is just a song
The music plays on then its gone again
This is just a song
The words don't mean a thing
So every time I sang I loved you all along
Remember, Remember this is just a song

Now I feel nothing
Yea I'm on auto pilot
I have sung these words
Even sung 'em while I'm sleeping
Just cause you have showed up here to see me
Doesn't mean I'm going home with you this evening
I know December is the month we meat
But it rimes with remember
Or did you forget I was only giving a performance
I haven't noticed you were in the audience
In the audience

This is just a song
The music plays on then its gone again
This is just a song
The words don't mean a thing
So every time I sang I loved you all along
Remember, Remember this is just a song

Everybody knows that this is just a song
And I don't feel a thing for you
Everybody knows that rhythm, rime, and structure
Doesn't mean that I love you
Oh no

This is just a song
The music plays on then its gone again
This is just a song
The words don't mean a thing
So every time I sang I loved you all along
Remember, Remember this is just a song

Mirror lyrics:

Remember, Remember this is just a song
So every time I sang I loved you all along
The words don't mean a thing
This is just a song
The music plays on then its gone again
This is just a song

Oh no
Doesn't mean that I love you
Everybody knows that rhythm, rime, and structure
And I don't feel a thing for you
Everybody knows that this is just a song

Remember, Remember this is just a song
So every time I sang I loved you all along
The words don't mean a thing
This is just a song
The music plays on then its gone again
This is just a song

In the audience
I haven't noticed you were in the audience
Or did you forget I was only giving a performance
But it rimes with remember
I know December is the month we meat
Doesn't mean I'm going home with you this evening
Just cause you have showed up here to see me
Even sung 'em while I'm sleeping
I have sung these words
Yea I'm on auto pilot
Now I feel nothing

Remember, Remember this is just a song
So every time I sang I loved you all along
The words don't mean a thing
This is just a song
The music plays on then its gone again
This is just a song

But its just formula don't need your validation
Break it down and I get your attention
I'm not trying to impress you
When I lose control
From a jerk to the minor
Make you emotional
So don't flatter yourself thinking that I love you
Not cause I feel anything about you
Its cause I want to
When I hold a note
Its called interoperation
So when my voice breaks

Relevant Tags:
JJust AA SSong ust ong uJst A oSng kust z zong kJust zA zSong Jkust Az Szong iust q wong iJust qA wSong Jiust Aq Swong must s dong
mJust sA dSong Jmust As Sdong nust w eong nJust wA eSong Jnust Aw Seong hust x xong hJust xA xSong Jhust Ax Sxong uust aong uJust aSong
Juust Saong Soong Jst Sng Jsut Snog Jhst Skng Skong Juhst Sokng J7st S9ng J7ust S9ong Ju7st So9ng
Jkst S0ng S0ong Jukst So0ng Jist Slng Slong Juist Solng J8st Sing J8ust Siong Ju8st Soing Jjst Sonng
Jjust Sog Jujst Sogn Jyst Somg

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