Christopher Dallman
Hard To Breathe

First The Party Was In Moonlight
Then It Led Into The Day
Then The Party Went and Swallow
Each 24 Hours Straightaway

It Gets Hard To Breathe
Dont Breathe Too Hard
When The Ghosts Line Up
In Your Own Backyard

........ No Regret
You can Disregard
It Gets Hard To Breathe
So Don't Breathe Too Hard

Then theres is a matter of a telephone
I just let it ring and ring
i guess somewhere along the line
of fantasy and fancy wine
I forgot the simplist thing

Well, it gets Hard To Breathe
Dont Breathe Too Hard
When The Ghosts Line Up
In your own backyard

........ No Regret
You can Disregard
It Gets Hard To Breathe
It Gets Hard To Breathe

Ohhh ohh yeah whoo hooo
yeah a whooo hooo
yeah a whooo hooo

First The Party Was In Moonlight
Then It Bled It Bled Into The Day
I Guess If I'm Gonna Find
Something Close To Peace of Mind
I Better Changin' My Ways.

It Gets Hard To Breathe
Dont Breathe Too Hard
When The Ghosts Line Up
In Your Own Backyard

........ No Regret
You can Disregard
It Gets Hard To Breathe
So Don't Breathe Too Hard

Mirror lyrics:

So Don't Breathe Too Hard
It Gets Hard To Breathe
You can Disregard
........ No Regret

In Your Own Backyard
When The Ghosts Line Up
Dont Breathe Too Hard
It Gets Hard To Breathe

I Better Changin' My Ways.
Something Close To Peace of Mind
I Guess If I'm Gonna Find
Then It Bled It Bled Into The Day
First The Party Was In Moonlight

yeah a whooo hooo
yeah a whooo hooo
Ohhh ohh yeah whoo hooo

It Gets Hard To Breathe
It Gets Hard To Breathe
You can Disregard
........ No Regret

In your own backyard
When The Ghosts Line Up
Dont Breathe Too Hard
Well, it gets Hard To Breathe

I forgot the simplist thing
of fantasy and fancy wine
i guess somewhere along the line
I just let it ring and ring
Then theres is a matter of a telephone

So Don't Breathe Too Hard
It Gets Hard To Breathe
You can Disregard
........ No Regret

In Your Own Backyard
When The Ghosts Line Up
Dont Breathe Too Hard
It Gets Hard To Breathe

Each 24 Hours Straightaway
Then The Party Went and Swallow
Then It Led Into The Day
First The Party Was In Moonlight

Relevant Tags:
HHard TTo BBreathe ard o reathe aHrd oT rBeathe jard fo vreathe jHard fTo vBreathe Hjard Tfo Bvreathe uard 5o greathe
uHard 5To gBreathe Huard T5o Bgreathe nard ho nreathe nHard hTo nBreathe Hnard Tho Bnreathe bard yo hreathe bHard yTo hBreathe
Hbard Tyo Bhreathe gard 6o Brreathe gHard 6To Beathe Hgard T6o Berathe yard go Bdeathe yHard gTo Bdreathe Hyard Tgo Brdeathe
Haard ro B4eathe Hrd rTo B4reathe Hrad Tro Br4eathe Hzrd Too Bgeathe Hzard T Hazrd To Brgeathe Hqrd Tk Bteathe
Hqard Tko Btreathe Haqrd Tok Brteathe Hsrd T9 B5eathe Hsard T9o B5reathe Hasrd To9 Br5eathe Hwrd T0 Bfeathe Hward T0o Bfreathe
Hawrd To0 Brfeathe Hxrd Tl Beeathe Hxard Tlo Bereathe Haxrd Tol Breeathe Harrd Ti Had Tio Brathe Hadr Toi Braethe
Hadd Brsathe Hadrd Brseathe Hardd Bresathe Ha4d Br3athe Ha4rd Br3eathe Har4d Bre3athe Hagd Brfathe
Hagrd Hargd Brefathe Hatd Brrathe Hatrd Hartd Brerathe Ha5d Br4athe Ha5rd
Har5d Bre4athe Hafd Brdathe Hafrd Harfd Bredathe Haed Brwathe Haerd Brweathe Hared Brewathe
Breaathe Har Brethe Hard Bretahe Harx Brezthe Harxd Brezathe Hardx Breazthe Hare Breqthe

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