Christine Mcvie
Easy Come, Easy Go

There's a cold wind

Blowing round your heart

There's a cool, cool breeze

Well you chilled me from the start

I used to pretend the fire inside

Would begin to burn

But oh no, it wasn't to be darling

I had a lot to learn

I believe the only thing to do

Is turn it around

And listen to the voice inside

That's never gonna let me down

Easy come and easy go

Well that's the way that it is

Easy come and easy go

I won't make no promises

There's a dull kind of ache

Where caring used to be

And I think my heart may break

Oh darling can't you see

It's time to put it all aside

And make a fresh start

The first cut is the deepest darling

That is the hardest part

I believe the only thing to do

Is turn it around

And listen to the voice inside

That's never let me down

Easy come and easy go

That's the way that it is

Easy come and easy go

I won't make no promises

Easy come and easy go

That's the way that it is

Easy come and easy go

I won't make no promises

Mirror lyrics:

I won't make no promises

Easy come and easy go

That's the way that it is

Easy come and easy go

I won't make no promises

Easy come and easy go

That's the way that it is

Easy come and easy go

That's never let me down

And listen to the voice inside

Is turn it around

I believe the only thing to do

That is the hardest part

The first cut is the deepest darling

And make a fresh start

It's time to put it all aside

Oh darling can't you see

And I think my heart may break

Where caring used to be

There's a dull kind of ache

I won't make no promises

Easy come and easy go

Well that's the way that it is

Easy come and easy go

That's never gonna let me down

And listen to the voice inside

Is turn it around

I believe the only thing to do

I had a lot to learn

But oh no, it wasn't to be darling

Would begin to burn

I used to pretend the fire inside

Well you chilled me from the start

There's a cool, cool breeze

Blowing round your heart

There's a cold wind

Relevant Tags:
EEasy CCome, EEasy GGo asy ome, asy o aEsy oCme, aEsy oG sasy fome, sasy ho sEasy fCome, sEasy hGo Esasy Cfome, Esasy Gho
3asy xome, 3asy yo 3Easy xCome, 3Easy yGo E3asy Cxome, E3asy Gyo fasy vome, fasy bo fEasy vCome, fEasy bGo Efasy Cvome, Efasy Gbo
rasy dome, rasy vo rEasy dCome, rEasy vGo Erasy Cdome, Erasy Gvo 4asy Coome, 4asy fo 4Easy Cme, 4Easy fGo E4asy Cmoe, E4asy Gfo
dasy Ckme, dasy to dEasy Ckome, dEasy tGo Edasy Cokme, Edasy Gto wasy C9me, wasy Goo wEasy C9ome, wEasy G Ewasy Co9me, Ewasy Go
Eaasy C0me, Eaasy Gk Esy C0ome, Esy Gko Esay Co0me, Esay Gok Ezsy Clme, Ezsy G9 Ezasy Clome, Ezasy G9o Eazsy Colme, Eazsy Go9
Eqsy Cime, Eqsy G0 Eqasy Ciome, Eqasy G0o Eaqsy Coime, Eaqsy Go0 Essy Comme, Essy Gl Coe, Glo Eassy Coem, Eassy Gol
Ewsy Coje, Ewsy Gi Cojme, Gio Eawsy Comje, Eawsy Goi Exsy Coke, Exsy

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