Christina Perri
Black And Blue

And I've been meaning to say this to you
That my heart isn't black and blue anymore
And words don't mean a thing
Unless they're in vain

And maybe I was wrong
I only remember feeling so alone

This isn't where I'm meant to lay down
But you dug this grave, and it fits me perfectly
And if you're asking if I'm over love
You're a fool to believe that you gave me some

It's raining here like it never should
And I can't help but believe it's because you're coming
You tried once to ruin and you tried once to hide,
Don't come follow your fantasy,
You'll be sorry when she won't come back inside

And maybe I was wrong
I only remember feeling so alone

This isn't where I'm meant to lay down
But you dug this grave, and it fits me perfectly
And if you're asking if I'm over love
You're a fool
You're a fool
You're a fool to believe that you gave me some

Mother Mary I'll make a wish for his best interests,
But to keep away, to keep away, to keep him away

This isn't where I'm meant to lay down
But you dug this grave, and it fits me perfectly
And if you're asking me if I'm over love
You're a fool to believe
You're a fool to believe that you gave me some

Mirror lyrics:

You're a fool to believe that you gave me some
You're a fool to believe
And if you're asking me if I'm over love
But you dug this grave, and it fits me perfectly
This isn't where I'm meant to lay down

But to keep away, to keep away, to keep him away
Mother Mary I'll make a wish for his best interests,

You're a fool to believe that you gave me some
You're a fool
You're a fool
And if you're asking if I'm over love
But you dug this grave, and it fits me perfectly
This isn't where I'm meant to lay down

I only remember feeling so alone
And maybe I was wrong

You'll be sorry when she won't come back inside
Don't come follow your fantasy,
You tried once to ruin and you tried once to hide,
And I can't help but believe it's because you're coming
It's raining here like it never should

You're a fool to believe that you gave me some
And if you're asking if I'm over love
But you dug this grave, and it fits me perfectly
This isn't where I'm meant to lay down

I only remember feeling so alone
And maybe I was wrong

Unless they're in vain
And words don't mean a thing
That my heart isn't black and blue anymore
And I've been meaning to say this to you

Relevant Tags:
BBlack AAnd BBlue lack nd lue lBack nAd lBue vlack znd vlue vBlack zAnd vBlue Bvlack Aznd Bvlue glack qnd glue gBlack qAnd gBlue
Bglack Aqnd Bglue nlack snd nlue nBlack sAnd nBlue Bnlack Asnd Bnlue hlack wnd hlue hBlack wAnd hBlue Bhlack Awnd Bhlue Bllack xnd Bllue
Back xAnd Bue Balck Axnd Bule Bkack Annd Bkue Bklack Ad Bklue Blkack Adn Blkue Boack Amd Boue Bolack Amnd Bolue Bloack Anmd Bloue
Bpack Ahd Bpue Bplack Ahnd Bplue Blpack Anhd Blpue Blaack Ajd Bluue Blck Ajnd Ble Blcak Anjd Bleu Blzck Abd Blhe Blzack Abnd Blhue
Blazck Anbd Bluhe Blqck Andd Bl7e Blqack An Bl7ue Blaqck And Blu7e Blsck Anx Blke Blsack Anxd Blasck Andx Bluke

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