Clay Aiken
As Long As We're Here

Why do we have to fight?
Why can't spend our time... trying?
I wanna be close to you
Keep love from slipping through... my hands
The words said in anger aimed at someone
Are hard to take back once the damage is done

Let's stop now....

As long as we're here... alive on this earth
I'm gonna love you... for all that it's worth
And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...

Let's make the most of of our time
As long as we're here... (yeah...)

Some people live their lives
Holding their fears... inside them
Afraid to build windows
To let the light of the world in...
They hide in the darkness of self-imposed walls
If they could just tear them down... they'd have it all

As long as we're here... alive on this earth
I'm gonna love you for all that it's worth
And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...

Let's make the most of of our time
As long as we're here... (yeah... yeah... yeah...)

When you're with me.... I breathe easy
You are my need .. right now love me

As long as we're here (as long as we're here)
I'm gonna love you (I'm gonna love you)
And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...

As long as we're here... alive on this earth
I'm gonna love you for all that it's worth
And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...

Let's make the most of of our time
Oh.. make the most of our time
As long as we're here...
As long as we're here...

Mirror lyrics:

As long as we're here...
As long as we're here...
Oh.. make the most of our time
Let's make the most of of our time

And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...
I'm gonna love you for all that it's worth
As long as we're here... alive on this earth

And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...
I'm gonna love you (I'm gonna love you)
As long as we're here (as long as we're here)

You are my need .. right now love me
When you're with me.... I breathe easy

As long as we're here... (yeah... yeah... yeah...)
Let's make the most of of our time

And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...
I'm gonna love you for all that it's worth
As long as we're here... alive on this earth

If they could just tear them down... they'd have it all
They hide in the darkness of self-imposed walls
To let the light of the world in...
Afraid to build windows
Holding their fears... inside them
Some people live their lives

As long as we're here... (yeah...)
Let's make the most of of our time

And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...
I'm gonna love you... for all that it's worth
As long as we're here... alive on this earth

Let's stop now....

Are hard to take back once the damage is done
The words said in anger aimed at someone
Keep love from slipping through... my hands
I wanna be close to you
Why can't spend our time... trying?
Why do we have to fight?

Relevant Tags:
AAs LLong AAs WWe're HHere s ong s e're ere sA oLng sA eW're eHre zs kong zs ae're jere zAs kLong zAs aWe're jHere Azs Lkong Azs Wae're Hjere
qs oong qs 3e're uere qAs oLong qAs 3We're uHere Aqs Loong Aqs W3e're Huere ss pong ss de're nere sAs pLong sAs dWe're nHere Ass Lpong Ass Wde're Hnere
ws ws ee're bere wAs Lng wAs eWe're bHere Aws Lnog Aws Wee're Hbere xs Lkng xs se're gere xAs xAs sWe're gHere Axs Lokng Axs Wse're Hgere
L9ng 2e're yere A L9ong A 2We're yHere As Lo9ng As W2e're Hyere Az L0ng Az qe're Heere L0ong qWe're Hre Asz Lo0ng Asz Wqe're Hree
Aw Llng Aw Hsre Llong W're Hsere Asw Lolng Asw W'ere Hesre Ad Ling Ad Ws're H3re Ads Liong Ads H3ere Asd Loing Asd Wes're He3re
Ae Lonng Ae W3're Hfre Aes Log Aes Hfere Ase Logn Ase We3're Hefre Ax Lomg Ax Wf're Hrre Lomng Wfe're Hrere Asx Lonmg Asx Wef're Herre
Aa Lohg Aa Wr're H4re Aas Lohng Aas Wre're H4ere Asa Lonhg Asa Wer're He4re Lojg W4're Hdre Lojng W4e're Hdere Lonjg We4're Hedre
Lobg Wd're Hwre Lobng Hwere Lonbg Wed're Hewre

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