Nobody Knows

Nobody Knows

Let's all pretend that we're stupid and dumb
and that nobody knows where it's all coming from
I've got a whole lot of questions that I'm never gonna ask
I don't want to know what's behind your mask
I've got a life of my own it's hard enough as it is
without having to listen to your personal biz
If we all keep quiet it could be ideal
'cos I don't want to know how you feel

Nobody nobody knows, nobody shows it if nobody knows it
Nobody nobody knows, nobody blows it if nobody knows it
Nobody nobody knows, nobody knows it until you expose it
Nobody nobody knows
so don't open your mouth if you don't know how to close it

It's a god damn pity I don't know what the use is
for all of your good for nothing lame excuses
It's complicated makes me frustrated
brings everything out in me I've always hated
Instead of pretending that we always agree
Why don't you just tell me what you think about me
because we all want to leave but nobody wants to go
'cos everybody knows we all know


Everybody knows what I'm talking about
all the little white secrets that never come out
All the things that we do and the things that we say
in this stupid little game called life we play
I don't want to hurt you so I don't want to know
what you're thinking about and where you're going to go
I don't want to stick my nose in anybody's affairs
I don't want to know and who cares


Mirror lyrics:


I don't want to know and who cares
I don't want to stick my nose in anybody's affairs
what you're thinking about and where you're going to go
I don't want to hurt you so I don't want to know
in this stupid little game called life we play
All the things that we do and the things that we say
all the little white secrets that never come out
Everybody knows what I'm talking about


'cos everybody knows we all know
because we all want to leave but nobody wants to go
Why don't you just tell me what you think about me
Instead of pretending that we always agree
brings everything out in me I've always hated
It's complicated makes me frustrated
for all of your good for nothing lame excuses
It's a god damn pity I don't know what the use is

so don't open your mouth if you don't know how to close it
Nobody nobody knows
Nobody nobody knows, nobody knows it until you expose it
Nobody nobody knows, nobody blows it if nobody knows it
Nobody nobody knows, nobody shows it if nobody knows it

'cos I don't want to know how you feel
If we all keep quiet it could be ideal
without having to listen to your personal biz
I've got a life of my own it's hard enough as it is
I don't want to know what's behind your mask
I've got a whole lot of questions that I'm never gonna ask
and that nobody knows where it's all coming from
Let's all pretend that we're stupid and dumb

Nobody Knows

Relevant Tags:
NNobody KKnows obody nows oNbody nKows mobody lnows mNobody lKnows Nmobody Klnows hobody onows hNobody oKnows Nhobody Konows
jobody mnows jNobody mKnows Njobody Kmnows bobody jnows bNobody jKnows Nbobody Kjnows Noobody inows Nbody iKnows Nboody Kinows
Nkbody Knnows Nkobody Kows Nokbody Konws N9body Kmows N9obody No9body Knmows N0body Khows N0obody Khnows No0body Knhows
Nlbody Kjows Nlobody Nolbody Knjows Nibody Kbows Niobody Kbnows Noibody Knbows Nobbody Knoows Noody Knws Noobdy Knwos
Novody Knkws Novbody Knkows Nobvody Knokws Nogody Kn9ws Nogbody Kn9ows Nobgody Kno9ws Nonody Kn0ws Nonbody Kn0ows Nobnody Kno0ws
Nohody Knlws Nohbody Knlows Nobhody Knolws Noboody Kniws Nobdy Kniows Nobdoy Knoiws Nobkdy Knowws Nobkody Knos Nobokdy Knosw
Nob9dy Knoas Nob9ody Knoaws

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