Chris Ledoux
Back When We Was Kids

Well I grew up in the shadow of the Rockies in the
grand old West yes sir I did

And dammed if we didn't have us a bunch of fun back when we was kids

Yea there was manure on our britches snuff pouchin' out our lip

And hat's so big you can almost tell who's under it

Yea we all had horses it was always a race

It was real important who got there first

We sneak along some of the old man's whisky just to
quench our little thirst

Yeah we looked like a bunch of hon yaks but we could ride like Casy Tibbs

And we still had to learn how far we could go before
we learned when to quit

Yea we scratched where it itches and clowned around

There wasn't nobody who could kick our hound

Just throwin' knives and shootin' guns generally have in a bunch of fun

Well the mommas all thought we were angels and hell
we let 'em go right ahead

But the old man had a hew more savvy in him

And a feller had to be careful around him

Yea wars were fought on contact and the wild seeds were sown

And we always spent our money like we found it in the road

Well one thing lead to another and before we knowned it it was gone

But I'll give you a hundred dollars just to have some
more of them goings on

Cause we looked like a bunch...

Yea it's a lot of fun learning how far you can go

It's kinda hard learning when to quit but I'll bet you already know

Mirror lyrics:

It's kinda hard learning when to quit but I'll bet you already know

Yea it's a lot of fun learning how far you can go

Cause we looked like a bunch...

more of them goings on
But I'll give you a hundred dollars just to have some

Well one thing lead to another and before we knowned it it was gone

And we always spent our money like we found it in the road

Yea wars were fought on contact and the wild seeds were sown

And a feller had to be careful around him

But the old man had a hew more savvy in him

we let 'em go right ahead
Well the mommas all thought we were angels and hell

Just throwin' knives and shootin' guns generally have in a bunch of fun

There wasn't nobody who could kick our hound

Yea we scratched where it itches and clowned around

we learned when to quit
And we still had to learn how far we could go before

Yeah we looked like a bunch of hon yaks but we could ride like Casy Tibbs

quench our little thirst
We sneak along some of the old man's whisky just to

It was real important who got there first

Yea we all had horses it was always a race

And hat's so big you can almost tell who's under it

Yea there was manure on our britches snuff pouchin' out our lip

And dammed if we didn't have us a bunch of fun back when we was kids

grand old West yes sir I did
Well I grew up in the shadow of the Rockies in the

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BBack WWhen WWe WWas KKids ack hen e as ids aBck hWen eW aWs iKds vack ahen ae aas lids vBack aWhen aWe aWas lKids Bvack Wahen Wae Waas Klids
gack 3hen 3e 3as oids gBack 3When 3We 3Was oKids Bgack W3hen W3e W3as Koids nack dhen de das mids nBack dWhen dWe dWas mKids Bnack Wdhen Wde Wdas Kmids
hack ehen ee eas jids hBack eWhen eWe eWas jKids Bhack Wehen Wee Weas Kjids Baack shen se sas iids Bck sWhen sWe sWas iKids Bcak Wshen Wse Wsas Kiids
Bzck 2hen 2e 2as Bzack 2When 2We 2Was Kds Bazck W2hen W2e W2as Kdis Bqck qhen qe qas Kjds Bqack qWhen qWe qWas Baqck Wqhen Wqe Wqas Kijds
Bsck Whhen K9ds Bsack Wen W Ws K9ids Basck Wehn We Wsa Ki9ds Bwck Wjen Ws Wzs Klds Bwack Wjhen Wzas Bawck Whjen Wes Wazs Kilds
Bxck Wuen W3 Wqs Kods Bxack Wuhen Baxck Whuen We3 Waqs Kiods Bacck Wnen Wf Wss Kkds Bak Wnhen Wfe Kkids Bakc Whnen Wef Wass Kikds
Bafk Wben Wr Wws K8ds Bafck Wbhen Wre Wwas K8ids Bacfk Whben Wer Waws Ki8ds Baxk Wgen W4 Wxs Kuds Wghen W4e Wxas Kuids Bacxk Whgen We4 Waxs Kiuds

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