Chris De Burgh
The Words I Love You

There are those who think that love comes with a lifetime guarantee,
But we know from those around us, that this may not always be,
It's the simple things that come between a father and a son,
But when they try to talk, the knives are out before they have begun;

Well that was me, and I have seen the light that shines for eternity,
Because I learned to say the words “I love you;”

So many hearts have been broken by the lies of history,
And so many arms are still open for that final mystery;
We must show respect for all the rest, and what a man believes,
And the one who died upon the cross, well he is the one for me,
And he said “Come with me and you will see the light that shines
For eternity, be strong and learn to say the words “I love you;”

And this endless road that we are on just keeps on going round,
But there's one destination that always is here to be found;

So come with me, and you will see the light that shines for eternity,
Be strong and learn to say the words “I love you,”
Be strong and learn to say the words “I love you,” the words “I love you,”
The words “I love you,” the words “I love you.”

Mirror lyrics:

The words “I love you,” the words “I love you.”
Be strong and learn to say the words “I love you,” the words “I love you,”
Be strong and learn to say the words “I love you,”
So come with me, and you will see the light that shines for eternity,

But there's one destination that always is here to be found;
And this endless road that we are on just keeps on going round,

For eternity, be strong and learn to say the words “I love you;”
And he said “Come with me and you will see the light that shines
And the one who died upon the cross, well he is the one for me,
We must show respect for all the rest, and what a man believes,
And so many arms are still open for that final mystery;
So many hearts have been broken by the lies of history,

Because I learned to say the words “I love you;”
Well that was me, and I have seen the light that shines for eternity,

But when they try to talk, the knives are out before they have begun;
It's the simple things that come between a father and a son,
But we know from those around us, that this may not always be,
There are those who think that love comes with a lifetime guarantee,

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TThe WWords II LLove YYou he ords ove ou hTe oWrds I oLve oYu fhe aords j kove gou fThe aWords jI kLove gYou Tfhe Waords Ij Lkove Ygou
5he 3ords 9 oove hou 5The 3Words 9I oLove hYou T5he W3ords I9 Loove Yhou hhe dords l pove 6ou hThe dWords lI pLove 6You Thhe Wdords Il Lpove Y6ou
yhe eords o uou yThe eWords oI Lve uYou Tyhe Weords Io Lvoe Yuou 6he sords k Lkve 7ou 6The sWords kI 7You T6he Wsords Ik Lokve Y7ou
ghe 2ords 8 L9ve jou gThe 2Words 8I L9ove jYou Tghe W2ords I8 Lo9ve Yjou rhe qords u L0ve tou rThe qWords uI L0ove tYou Trhe Wqords Iu Lo0ve Ytou
Woords Llve Yoou Te Wrds Llove Yu Teh Wrods Lolve Yuo Tje Wkrds Live Yku Tjhe Wkords Liove Ykou Thje Wokrds Loive Yoku
Tue W9rds Lovve Y9u Tuhe W9ords Loe Y9ou Thue Wo9rds Loev Yo9u Tne W0rds Lobe Y0u Tnhe W0ords Lobve Y0ou Thne Wo0rds Lovbe Yo0u
Tbe Wlrds Loce Ylu Tbhe Wlords Locve Ylou Thbe Wolrds Lovce Yolu Tge Wirds Loge Yiu Wiords Logve Yiou Thge Woirds Lovge Yoiu
Tye Worrds Lofe Youu Wods Lofve Yo Thye Wodrs Lovfe You Thee Wodds Lovee Yoh Th Wodrds Lov Yohu The Wordds Love Youh
Ths Wo4ds Lovs Yo7 Thse Wo4rds Lovse Yo7u

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