Chris De Burgh
The Head And The Heart

Let us talk no more, let us go to sleep,
Let the rain fall on the window pane,
And fill the castle keep,
I am weary now, weary to my bones,
Weary from the travelling,
And the endless country roads,
That brought us here tonight, for this weekend,
And a chance to work it out,
For we cannot live together, and we cannot live apart,
It's the classical dilemma between the head and the heart;

She is sleeping now, softly in the night,
And in my heart of darkness she has been the only light,
I am lost in love, looking at her face,
And still I hear the voice of reason,
Telling me to chase these dreams away,
Oh here we go again, we're divided from the start,
For we cannot live together, and we cannot live apart,
It's the classical dilemma between the head and the heart,
The head and the heart;

Now the dawn begins, and still I cannot sleep,
My head is spinning round but now the way is clear to me,
There is nothing left, nothing left to show,
The jury and the judge will see, it's time to let her go,
Now hear the heart:
I believe that time will show,
She will always be a part of my world,
I don't want to see her go;
So I plead my case to hear the heart,
And stay...
It's time to let her go - I don't want to let her go...
It's time to let her go - I don't want to let her go...
It's time to let her go...
And in this classical dilemma,
I find for - the heart.

Mirror lyrics:

I find for - the heart.
And in this classical dilemma,
It's time to let her go...
It's time to let her go - I don't want to let her go...
It's time to let her go - I don't want to let her go...
And stay...
So I plead my case to hear the heart,
I don't want to see her go;
She will always be a part of my world,
I believe that time will show,
Now hear the heart:
The jury and the judge will see, it's time to let her go,
There is nothing left, nothing left to show,
My head is spinning round but now the way is clear to me,
Now the dawn begins, and still I cannot sleep,

The head and the heart;
It's the classical dilemma between the head and the heart,
For we cannot live together, and we cannot live apart,
Oh here we go again, we're divided from the start,
Telling me to chase these dreams away,
And still I hear the voice of reason,
I am lost in love, looking at her face,
And in my heart of darkness she has been the only light,
She is sleeping now, softly in the night,

It's the classical dilemma between the head and the heart;
For we cannot live together, and we cannot live apart,
And a chance to work it out,
That brought us here tonight, for this weekend,
And the endless country roads,
Weary from the travelling,
I am weary now, weary to my bones,
And fill the castle keep,
Let the rain fall on the window pane,
Let us talk no more, let us go to sleep,

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHead AAnd TThe HHeart he ead nd he eart hTe eHad nAd hTe eHart fhe jead znd fhe jeart fThe jHead zAnd fThe jHeart Tfhe Hjead Aznd Tfhe Hjeart
5he uead qnd 5he ueart 5The uHead qAnd 5The uHeart T5he Huead Aqnd T5he Hueart hhe nead snd hhe neart hThe nHead sAnd hThe nHeart Thhe Hnead Asnd Thhe Hneart
yhe bead wnd yhe beart yThe bHead wAnd yThe bHeart Tyhe Hbead Awnd Tyhe Hbeart 6he gead xnd 6he geart 6The gHead xAnd 6The gHeart T6he Hgead Axnd T6he Hgeart
ghe yead Annd ghe yeart gThe yHead Ad gThe yHeart Tghe Hyead Adn Tghe Hyeart rhe Heead Amd rhe Heeart rThe Had Amnd rThe Hart Trhe Haed Anmd Trhe Haert
Hsad Ahd Hsart Te Hsead Ahnd Te Hseart Teh Hesad Anhd Teh Hesart Tje H3ad Ajd Tje H3art Tjhe H3ead Ajnd Tjhe H3eart Thje He3ad Anjd Thje He3art
Tue Hfad Abd Tue Hfart Tuhe Hfead Abnd Tuhe Hfeart Thue Hefad Anbd Thue Hefart Tne Hrad Andd Tne Hrart Tnhe Hread An Tnhe Hreart Thne Herad And Thne Herart
Tbe H4ad Anx Tbe H4art Tbhe H4ead Anxd Tbhe H4eart Thbe He4ad Andx Thbe He4art Tge Hdad Ane Tge Hdart Hdead Aned Hdeart Thge Hedad Ande Thge Hedart
Tye Hwad Anf Tye Hwart Hwead Anfd Hweart Thye Hewad Andf Thye Hewart Thee Heaad Anr Thee Heaart Th Hed Anrd Th Hert The Heda Andr The Herat
Ths Hezd Anc Ths Hezrt Thse Hezad Ancd Thse Hezart Thes Heazd Andc Thes Heazrt Th3 Heqd Ans Th3 Heqrt

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