Chris Cagle
My Love Goes On And On

My love goes on and on and on and on
And on and on and on and on and on and on.

--- Instrumental ----

There's only so many stars in the night
That can make up a milky way
And there ain't more
Than twenty four long hours in a day.

But they say everything has a limit
That ain't exactly true
'Cause there ain't a limit to the love in my heart
Or the way that I feel about you.

Even when the pyramids are gone
My love goes on and on and on and on
And on and on and on and on and on and on.

Well, I got two hundred thousand miles
On a rusty old beat up truck
And I hate to say but there's gonna come a day
When I'm gonna have to give her up.

But darlin' since I met you
Well, here is how it is
I could live with losing everything
But I would die without your kiss.

So if you think this fire we lit inside
Will burn out, you're wrong
My love goes on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on and on

I know that we can't spend
Every waking hour together
But I can hold you for tonight
And I can love you forever.

Every time I think of what we've got
All I do is smile
'Cause the beginning to the end of time
Compared to this is a little while.

I've heard raindrops'll turn into oceans
And oceans'll turn to dust
But there ain't a single force in the world
That'll have an effect on us.

But that may be that the rocky
Rocky mountains don't last long
But my love goes on and on and on and on
And on and on and on and on and on and on.

On and on and on and on
And on and on and on and on and on gets on.

--- Instrumental to fade ---

Mirror lyrics:

--- Instrumental to fade ---

And on and on and on and on and on gets on.
On and on and on and on

And on and on and on and on and on and on.
But my love goes on and on and on and on
Rocky mountains don't last long
But that may be that the rocky

That'll have an effect on us.
But there ain't a single force in the world
And oceans'll turn to dust
I've heard raindrops'll turn into oceans

Compared to this is a little while.
'Cause the beginning to the end of time
All I do is smile
Every time I think of what we've got

And I can love you forever.
But I can hold you for tonight
Every waking hour together
I know that we can't spend

and on and on and on and on and on
My love goes on and on and on and on and on
Will burn out, you're wrong
So if you think this fire we lit inside

But I would die without your kiss.
I could live with losing everything
Well, here is how it is
But darlin' since I met you

When I'm gonna have to give her up.
And I hate to say but there's gonna come a day
On a rusty old beat up truck
Well, I got two hundred thousand miles

And on and on and on and on and on and on.
My love goes on and on and on and on
Even when the pyramids are gone

Or the way that I feel about you.
'Cause there ain't a limit to the love in my heart
That ain't exactly true
But they say everything has a limit

Than twenty four long hours in a day.
And there ain't more
That can make up a milky way
There's only so many stars in the night

--- Instrumental ----

And on and on and on and on and on and on.
My love goes on and on and on and on

Relevant Tags:
MMy LLove GGoes OOn AAnd OOn y ove oes n nd n yM oLve oGes nO nAd nO jy kove hoes kn znd kn jMy kLove hGoes kOn zAnd kOn Mjy Lkove Ghoes Okn Aznd Okn
ky oove yoes 9n qnd 9n kMy oLove yGoes 9On qAnd 9On Mky Loove Gyoes O9n Aqnd O9n ny pove boes 0n snd 0n nMy pLove bGoes 0On sAnd 0On Mny Lpove Gboes O0n Asnd O0n
Myy voes ln wnd ln M Lve vGoes lOn wAnd lOn My Lvoe Gvoes Oln Awnd Oln Mg Lkve foes in xnd in Mgy fGoes iOn xAnd iOn Myg Lokve Gfoes Oin Axnd Oin
Mh L9ve toes Onn Annd Onn Mhy L9ove tGoes O Ad O Myh Lo9ve Gtoes On Adn On M6 L0ve Gooes Om Amd Om M6y L0ove Ges Omn Amnd Omn My6 Lo0ve Geos Onm Anmd Onm
Mu Llve Gkes Oh Ahd Oh Muy Llove Gkoes Ohn Ahnd Ohn Myu Lolve Gokes Onh Anhd Onh M7 Live G9es Oj Ajd Oj M7y Liove G9oes Ojn Ajnd Ojn My7 Loive Go9es Onj Anjd Onj
Mj Lovve G0es Ob Abd Ob Loe G0oes Obn Abnd Obn Myj Loev Go0es Onb Anbd Onb Mt Lobe Gles Andd Mty Lobve Gloes An Myt Lovbe Goles And
Loce Gies Anx Locve Gioes Anxd Lovce Goies Andx Loge Goees Ane

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