Chris Brown
Heart Ain't A Brain

It's a 360 turn
sitting where we began
bein like kids again
like kissin and missin class
what we needed to learn was different than just some math
this stupid picture
we missed it
the figures just didn't add up

we said let's not leave on bad terms
in between them bad words
it could be love right? (uh huh) (uh huh)
but are we gon' leave when it's this good?
damn it was just good
seems that this lovin's all for nothin baby (you know)

a heart ain't a brain
but i think that i still love you (still love you)
a happy ending makes you cry
cuz it ends when you don't want to (don't want to)
and it makes perfect sense to end it like the start
how do i explain this nonsense to my heart?
a heart ain't a brain
but i'm thinkin that i still love you

it's a fly twist
just when you say it
i got this
right when the fight is stopped
it seemed right but it felt wrong
all them nights we held on
we can't let it go
but if we don't then we will never know.

we said let's not leave on bad terms
in between them bad words
it could be love right? (uh huh)
but are we gon' leave when it's this good?
damn it was just good
seems that this lovin's all for nothin baby (you know)

a heart ain't a brain
but i think that i still love you (still love you)
a happy ending makes you cry
cuz it ends when you don't want to (don't want to)
and it makes perfect sense to end it like the start
how do i explain this nonsense to my heart?
a heart ain't a brain
but i'm thinkin that i still love you (still love you) (still love)

(ohhhh) my heart is achin
thinkin about all the love we've wasted
(ooooo) my heart's impatient
can't understand the time we're takin
my heart can't get it my heart can't decide
but it's tellin me it's right
i know that we should just call it quits
but i'm thinkin that all of this gotta change
cuz my heart is goin insane

a heart ain't a brain
but i think that i still love you (my heart is goin insane)
a happy ending makes you cry
cuz it ends when you don't want to
and it makes perfect sense to end it like the start
and how do i explain this nonsense to my heart?
a heart ain't a brain
but i'm thinkin that i still love you (still love you) (still love ya)

whoa ooo waa wa woahh waa ooo waaa ** tried my best here lol**
a heart ain't a brain
but i think i love you

whoa ooo waa wa woahh waa ooo waaa
a heart ain't a brain
but i think i love you

whoa ooo waa wa woahh waa ooo waaa
a heart ain't a brain
but i think i love you

whoa ooo waa wa woahh waa ooo waaa
a heart ain't a brain
but i think i love you

Mirror lyrics:

but i think i love you
a heart ain't a brain
whoa ooo waa wa woahh waa ooo waaa

but i think i love you
a heart ain't a brain
whoa ooo waa wa woahh waa ooo waaa

but i think i love you
a heart ain't a brain
whoa ooo waa wa woahh waa ooo waaa

but i think i love you
a heart ain't a brain
whoa ooo waa wa woahh waa ooo waaa ** tried my best here lol**

but i'm thinkin that i still love you (still love you) (still love ya)
a heart ain't a brain
and how do i explain this nonsense to my heart?
and it makes perfect sense to end it like the start
cuz it ends when you don't want to
a happy ending makes you cry
but i think that i still love you (my heart is goin insane)
a heart ain't a brain

cuz my heart is goin insane
but i'm thinkin that all of this gotta change
i know that we should just call it quits
but it's tellin me it's right
my heart can't get it my heart can't decide
can't understand the time we're takin
(ooooo) my heart's impatient
thinkin about all the love we've wasted
(ohhhh) my heart is achin

but i'm thinkin that i still love you (still love you) (still love)
a heart ain't a brain
how do i explain this nonsense to my heart?
and it makes perfect sense to end it like the start
cuz it ends when you don't want to (don't want to)
a happy ending makes you cry
but i think that i still love you (still love you)
a heart ain't a brain

seems that this lovin's all for nothin baby (you know)
damn it was just good
but are we gon' leave when it's this good?
it could be love right? (uh huh)
in between them bad words
we said let's not leave on bad terms

but if we don't then we will never know.
we can't let it go
all them nights we held on
it seemed right but it felt wrong
right when the fight is stopped
i got this
just when you say it
it's a fly twist

but i'm thinkin that i still love you
a heart ain't a brain
how do i explain this nonsense to my heart?
and it makes perfect sense to end it like the start
cuz it ends when you don't want to (don't want to)
a happy ending makes you cry
but i think that i still love you (still love you)
a heart ain't a brain

seems that this lovin's all for nothin baby (you know)
damn it was just good
but are we gon' leave when it's this good?
it could be love right? (uh huh) (uh huh)
in between them bad words
we said let's not leave on bad terms

the figures just didn't add up
we missed it
this stupid picture
what we needed to learn was different than just some math
like kissin and missin class
bein like kids again
sitting where we began
It's a 360 turn

Relevant Tags:
HHeart AAin't AA BBrain eart in't rain eHart iAn't A rBain jeart zin't z vrain jHeart zAin't zA vBrain Hjeart Azin't Az Bvrain
ueart qin't q grain uHeart qAin't qA gBrain Hueart Aqin't Aq Bgrain neart sin't s nrain nHeart sAin't sA nBrain Hneart Asin't As Bnrain
beart win't w hrain bHeart wAin't wA hBrain Hbeart Awin't Aw Bhrain geart xin't x Brrain gHeart xAin't xA Bain Hgeart Axin't Ax Barin
yeart Aiin't Bdain yHeart An't Bdrain Hyeart Ani't Brdain Heeart Ajn't B4ain Hart Ajin't B4rain Haert Aijn't Br4ain
Hsart A9n't Bgain Hseart A9in't Hesart Ai9n't Brgain H3art Aln't Btain H3eart Alin't Btrain He3art Ailn't Brtain
Hfart Aon't B5ain Hfeart Aoin't B5rain Hefart Aion't Br5ain Hrart Akn't Bfain Hreart Akin't Bfrain Herart Aikn't Brfain
H4art A8n't Beain H4eart A8in't Berain He4art Ai8n't Breain Hdart Aun't Braain Hdeart Auin't Brin Hedart Aiun't Brian
Hwart Ainn't Brzin Hweart Ai't Brzain Hewart Ai'nt Brazin Heaart Aim't Brqin Hert Aimn't Brqain Herat Ainm't Braqin
Hezrt Aih't Brsin Hezart Aihn't Brsain Heazrt Ainh't Brasin Heqrt Aij't Brwin

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