Last Night I Dreamed Of You

Last night I dreamed of you
Dream too perfect to be true
Together in a place where blossoms grew
And then I woke up next to you

Last night I dreamed of you
Inside my dream was love so new
The sun was shining and the sky was blue
And then I woke up next to you

Mirror lyrics:

And then I woke up next to you
The sun was shining and the sky was blue
Inside my dream was love so new
Last night I dreamed of you

And then I woke up next to you
Together in a place where blossoms grew
Dream too perfect to be true
Last night I dreamed of you

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LLast NNight II DDreamed OOf YYou ast ight reamed f ou aLst iNght I rDeamed fO oYu kast might j xreamed kf gou kLast mNight jI xDreamed kOf gYou
Lkast Nmight Ij Dxreamed Okf Ygou oast hight 9 ereamed 9f hou oLast hNight 9I eDreamed 9Of hYou Loast Nhight I9 Dereamed O9f Yhou past jight l freamed 0f 6ou
pLast jNight lI fDreamed 0Of 6You Lpast Njight Il Dfreamed O0f Y6ou Laast bight o rreamed lf uou Lst bNight oI rDreamed lOf uYou Lsat Nbight Io Drreamed Olf Yuou
Lzst Niight k creamed if 7ou Lzast Nght kI cDreamed iOf 7You Lazst Ngiht Ik Dcreamed Oif Y7ou Lqst Njght 8 sreamed Off jou Lqast 8I sDreamed O jYou
Laqst Nijght I8 Dsreamed Of Yjou Lsst N9ght u Oc tou Lsast N9ight uI Deamed Ocf tYou Lasst Ni9ght Iu Deramed Ofc Ytou Lwst Nlght Ddeamed Or Yoou
Lwast Nlight Ddreamed Orf Yu Lawst Nilght Drdeamed Ofr Yuo Lxst Noght D4eamed Og Yku Lxast Noight D4reamed Ogf Ykou Laxst Nioght Dr4eamed Ofg Yoku
Nkght Dgeamed Ot Y9u Lat Nkight Dgreamed Otf Y9ou Lats Nikght Drgeamed Oft Yo9u Lazt N8ght Dteamed Ov Y0u N8ight Dtreamed Ovf Y0ou
Laszt Ni8ght Drteamed Ofv Yo0u Lawt Nught D5eamed Od Ylu Nuight D5reamed Odf Ylou Laswt Niught Dr5eamed Ofd Yolu Ladt Nigght Dfeamed Yiu
Ladst Niht Yiou Lasdt Nihgt Drfeamed Yoiu Laet Nihht Deeamed Youu Laest Nihght Yo Laset Nighht Dreeamed You
Laxt Niyht Yoh Niyght Dramed Yohu Lasxt Nigyht Draemed Youh Laat Nibht Drsamed Yo7 Nibght Drseamed Yo7u
Lasat Nigbht Dresamed You7 Lastt Nivht Dr3amed Yok Las Nivght Dr3eamed Last Nigvht Dre3amed Youk Lasf Nifht Drfamed Yoi
Lasft Nifght Lastf Nigfht Drefamed Youi Las5 Nitht Drramed Yo8 Las5t Nitght Yo8u Last5 Nigtht Dreramed You8
Lash Dr4amed Yoj Lasht Nigt Yoju Lasth Nigth Dre4amed Youj Lasy Nigjt Drdamed Yoy Lasyt Nigjht Yoyu

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