China Crisis
The Gates Of Door To Door

She, sleep, dreams of childhood
Waiting in the fields
First love kept secret
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She dreams of childhood
And I dream of her

She, sleep, dreams of leaving
Drives past her friends
The rain fell so heavy
She could not see me there

She dreams of leaving
And I dream of her

Mirror lyrics:

And I dream of her
She dreams of leaving

She could not see me there
The rain fell so heavy
Drives past her friends
She, sleep, dreams of leaving

And I dream of her
She dreams of childhood

Hide behind the tree
First love kept secret
Waiting in the fields
She, sleep, dreams of childhood

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TThe GGates OOf DDoor TTo DDoor he ates f oor o oor hTe aGtes fO oDor oT oDor fhe hates kf xoor fo xoor fThe hGates kOf xDoor fTo xDoor
Tfhe Ghates Okf Dxoor Tfo Dxoor 5he yates 9f eoor 5o eoor 5The yGates 9Of eDoor 5To eDoor T5he Gyates O9f Deoor T5o Deoor hhe bates 0f foor ho foor
hThe bGates 0Of fDoor hTo fDoor Thhe Gbates O0f Dfoor Tho Dfoor yhe vates lf roor yo roor yThe vGates lOf rDoor yTo rDoor Tyhe Gvates Olf Droor Tyo Droor
6he fates if coor 6o coor 6The fGates iOf cDoor 6To cDoor T6he Gfates Oif Dcoor T6o Dcoor ghe tates Off soor go soor gThe tGates O sDoor gTo sDoor
Tghe Gtates Of Dsoor Tgo Dsoor rhe Gaates Oc Dooor ro Dooor rThe Gtes Ocf Dor rTo Dor Trhe Gtaes Ofc Door Tro Door Gztes Or Dkor Too Dkor
Te Gzates Orf Dkoor T Dkoor Teh Gaztes Ofr Dokor To Dokor Tje Gqtes Og D9or Tk D9or Tjhe Gqates Ogf D9oor Tko D9oor Thje Gaqtes Ofg Do9or Tok Do9or
Tue Gstes Ot D0or T9 D0or Tuhe Gsates Otf D0oor T9o D0oor Thue Gastes Oft Do0or To9 Do0or Tne Gwtes Ov Dlor T0 Dlor Tnhe Gwates Ovf Dloor T0o Dloor
Thne Gawtes Ofv Dolor To0 Dolor Tbe Gxtes Od Dior Tl Dior Tbhe Gxates Odf Dioor Tlo Dioor Thbe Gaxtes Ofd Doior Tol Doior Tge Gattes Ti
Gaes Tio Thge Gaets Doro Toi Doro Tye Gafes Dokr Dokr Gaftes Thye Gatfes Dookr Dookr
Thee Ga5es Do9r Do9r Th Ga5tes The Gat5es Doo9r Doo9r Ths Gahes Do0r Do0r Thse Gahtes
Thes Gathes Doo0r Doo0r

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