Chi Lites
There Will Never Be Any Peace

There will never be any peace

Until God is at the conference table

There will never be any peace

Until God is seated at the conference table

(He's at the conference table)

Men are runnin' from land to land

Tryin' to make things alright

Holding meeting after meeting, constantly reaching

For what they maybe thinking is right

Everybody has a plan

Ain't that just a man

People can't you understand?

We gotta tell 'em

There will never be any peace

Until God is seated at the conference table

(He's at the conference table)

There will never be any peace

Until God is seated at the conference table

(He's at the conference table)

What went on in the dark

Has come to light

Tell me who's to blame

And what's his name?

You can point your finger

But you gotta remember

What was done was done by a man

So we gotta tell 'em

There will never be any peace

Until God is seated at the conference table

(He's at the conference table)

There will never be any peace

Until God is seated at the conference table

(He's at the conference table)

There will never be any peace

Until God is seated at the conference table

(He's at the conference table)

There will never be any peace

Until God is seated at the conference table

(He's at the conference table)

Oh yeah, until God is seated

(There will never be any peace, until God)

At the conference table

(He's at the conference table)

God only needs

(There will never be any peace)

God seeing it [Incomprehensible]

(Until God)

Every body sing together

(He's at the conference table)

There will never be any peace

No, no, peace

(Until God)

Until he is seated at the conference table

(He's at the conference table)

There will never be any peace

So sing a little prayer now

(Until God, He's at the conference table)


(There will never be any peace until God

He's at the conference table)

Holding hand in hand

(There will never be any peace)

All over the land

(Until God)

He's at the conference table

Mirror lyrics:

He's at the conference table

(Until God)

All over the land

(There will never be any peace)

Holding hand in hand

He's at the conference table)

(There will never be any peace until God


(Until God, He's at the conference table)

So sing a little prayer now

There will never be any peace

(He's at the conference table)

Until he is seated at the conference table

(Until God)

No, no, peace

There will never be any peace

(He's at the conference table)

Every body sing together

(Until God)

God seeing it [Incomprehensible]

(There will never be any peace)

God only needs

(He's at the conference table)

At the conference table

(There will never be any peace, until God)

Oh yeah, until God is seated

(He's at the conference table)

Until God is seated at the conference table

There will never be any peace

(He's at the conference table)

Until God is seated at the conference table

There will never be any peace

(He's at the conference table)

Until God is seated at the conference table

There will never be any peace

(He's at the conference table)

Until God is seated at the conference table

There will never be any peace

So we gotta tell 'em

What was done was done by a man

But you gotta remember

You can point your finger

And what's his name?

Tell me who's to blame

Has come to light

What went on in the dark

(He's at the conference table)

Until God is seated at the conference table

There will never be any peace

(He's at the conference table)

Until God is seated at the conference table

There will never be any peace

We gotta tell 'em

People can't you understand?

Ain't that just a man

Everybody has a plan

For what they maybe thinking is right

Holding meeting after meeting, constantly reaching

Tryin' to make things alright

Men are runnin' from land to land

(He's at the conference table)

Until God is seated at the conference table

There will never be any peace

Until God is at the conference table

There will never be any peace

Relevant Tags:
TThere WWill NNever BBe AAny PPeace here ill ever e ny eace hTere iWll eNver eB nAy ePace fhere aill mever ve zny 0eace fThere aWill mNever vBe zAny 0Peace
Tfhere Waill Nmever Bve Azny P0eace 5here 3ill hever ge qny leace 5There 3Will hNever gBe qAny lPeace T5here W3ill Nhever Bge Aqny Pleace hhere dill jever ne sny oeace
hThere dWill jNever nBe sAny oPeace Thhere Wdill Njever Bne Asny Poeace yhere eill bever he wny Peeace yThere eWill bNever hBe wAny Pace Tyhere Weill Nbever Bhe Awny Paece
6here sill Neever Bee xny Psace 6There sWill Nver B xAny Pseace T6here Wsill Nveer Be Axny Pesace ghere 2ill Nsver Bs Anny P3ace gThere 2Will Nsever Bse Ay P3eace
Tghere W2ill Nesver Bes Ayn Pe3ace rhere qill N3ver B3 Amy Pface rThere qWill N3ever B3e Amny Pfeace Trhere Wqill Ne3ver Be3 Anmy Peface Wiill Nfver Bf Ahy Prace
Tere Wll Nfever Bfe Ahny Preace Tehre Wlil Nefver Bef Anhy Perace Tjere Wjll Nrver Br Ajy P4ace Tjhere Wjill Nrever Bre Ajny P4eace Thjere Wijll Nerver Ber Anjy Pe4ace
Tuere W9ll N4ver B4 Aby Pdace Tuhere W9ill N4ever B4e Abny Pdeace Thuere Wi9ll Ne4ver Be4 Anby Pedace Tnere Wlll Ndver Bd Anyy Pwace Tnhere Wlill Ndever Bde An Pweace
Thnere Willl Nedver Bed Any Pewace Tbere Woll Nwver Bw Ang Peaace Tbhere Woill Nwever Bwe Angy Pece Thbere Wioll Newver Bew Anyg Pecae Tgere Wkll Nevver Anh Pezce
Wkill Neer Pezace Thgere Wikll Neevr Anyh Peazce Tyere W8ll Neber An6 Peqce W8ill Nebver An6y Peqace Thyere Wi8ll Nevber Any6 Peaqce
Theere Wull Necer Anu Pesce Thre Wuill Necver Anuy Three Wiull Nevcer Anyu Peasce Thsre Neger An7 Pewce Thsere Wil Negver An7y
Thesre Will Nevger Any7 Peawce Th3re Wikl Nefer Anj Pexce

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