Chocolate Hot
It Started With A Kiss

It started with a kiss in the back row of a classroom.
How could I resist the aroma of your perfume.
You and I were inseparable
it was love at first sight.
You made me promise to marry you
I made you promise to be my wife

But then you were only eight years old and I had just about turned nine.
I thought that life was always good
I thought you always would be mine.
It started with a kiss
never thought it would come to this.
It started with a kiss
never thought it would come to this.

I remember ev'ry little thing like fighting in the playground
cause good looking boy had started to hang around.
That boy hurt me so bad
but I was happy 'cause you cried. - still -
I couldn't help but notice that new distant look in your eyes

And then when you were sixteen
and I had just turned seventeen

I couldn't hold on to your love
I couldn't hold on to my dreams.

It started with a kiss
never thought it would come to this.
It started with a kiss
never thought it would come to this.
You don't remember me
do you? You don't remember me
do you?

Walking down the street came the star of my love story
And my heart began to beat so fast
so clear was my memory.
I heard my voice cry out her name
and as she looked and looked away
I felt so hurt
I felt so small
and it was all that I could say

You don't remember me
do you? You don't remember me
do you?
You don't remember me
do you? You don't remember me
do you?
It started with a kiss
never thought it would come to this.
It started with a kiss
never thought it would come to this.

Mirror lyrics:

never thought it would come to this.
It started with a kiss
never thought it would come to this.
It started with a kiss
do you?
do you? You don't remember me
You don't remember me
do you?
do you? You don't remember me
You don't remember me

and it was all that I could say
I felt so small
I felt so hurt
and as she looked and looked away
I heard my voice cry out her name
so clear was my memory.
And my heart began to beat so fast
Walking down the street came the star of my love story

do you?
do you? You don't remember me
You don't remember me
never thought it would come to this.
It started with a kiss
never thought it would come to this.
It started with a kiss

I couldn't hold on to my dreams.
I couldn't hold on to your love

and I had just turned seventeen
And then when you were sixteen

I couldn't help but notice that new distant look in your eyes
but I was happy 'cause you cried. - still -
That boy hurt me so bad
cause good looking boy had started to hang around.
I remember ev'ry little thing like fighting in the playground

never thought it would come to this.
It started with a kiss
never thought it would come to this.
It started with a kiss
I thought you always would be mine.
I thought that life was always good
But then you were only eight years old and I had just about turned nine.

I made you promise to be my wife
You made me promise to marry you
it was love at first sight.
You and I were inseparable
How could I resist the aroma of your perfume.
It started with a kiss in the back row of a classroom.

Relevant Tags:
IIt SStarted WWith AA KKiss t tarted ith iss tI tSarted iWth A iKss jt ztarted aith z liss jIt zStarted aWith zA lKiss Ijt Sztarted Waith Az Kliss
9t wtarted 3ith q oiss 9It wStarted 3With qA oKiss I9t Swtarted W3ith Aq Koiss lt dtarted dith s miss lIt dStarted dWith sA mKiss Ilt Sdtarted Wdith As Kmiss
ot etarted eith w jiss oIt eStarted eWith wA jKiss Iot Setarted Weith Aw Kjiss kt xtarted sith x iiss kIt xStarted sWith xA iKiss Ikt Sxtarted Wsith Ax Kiiss
8t atarted 2ith 8It aStarted 2With Kss I8t Satarted W2ith Ksis ut Sttarted qith Kjss uIt Sarted qWith Iut Satrted Wqith Kijss
Itt Sfarted Wiith K9ss I Sftarted Wth K9iss It Stfarted Wtih Ki9ss If S5arted Wjth Klss Ift S5tarted Wjith Itf St5arted Wijth Kilss
I5 Sharted W9th Koss I5t Shtarted W9ith It5 Stharted Wi9th Kioss Ih Syarted Wlth Kkss Iht Sytarted Wlith Kkiss Ith Styarted Wilth Kikss
Iy S6arted Woth K8ss Iyt S6tarted Woith K8iss Ity St6arted Wioth Ki8ss I6 Sgarted Wkth Kuss I6t Sgtarted Wkith Kuiss It6 Stgarted Wikth Kiuss
Ig Srarted W8th Kisss Igt Srtarted W8ith Kis Itg Strarted Wi8th Kiss Ir Staarted Wuth Kizs Irt Strted Wuith Kizss Itr Strated Wiuth Kiszs
Stzrted Witth Kiws Stzarted Wih Kiwss Stazrted Wiht Kisws Stqrted Wifh Kids Stqarted Wifth Kidss Staqrted Witfh Kisds
Stsrted Wi5h Kies Stsarted Wi5th Kiess Stasrted Wit5h Kises Stwrted Wihh Kixs Stwarted Wihth Kixss Stawrted Withh Kisxs
Stxrted Wiyh Kias Stxarted Wiyth Kiass Staxrted Wityh Kisas Starrted Wi6h Stated Wi6th Statred Wit6h
Stadted Wigh Kisz Stadrted Wigth Stardted Witgh Kissz Sta4ted Wirh Kisw Sta4rted Wirth Star4ted Witrh Kissw

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